Daniel Dobbels


A Radiant Life
Doctor (voice)
1952, The Radiant City of Marseille receives its first occupants, eighty civil servants and compensated from war, coming from the four corners of France. Some are led by the promise of Le Corbusier’s ideals. Upon arrival, a couple experiments the location, facilities, and space allotted to them. They each respond to the new habitat. Its uniqueness, its details. The body questions the utopia. New Eden born under the reconstruction, the radiant city floats on the after-war as nothing happened. On board, settled cold, loneliness and sterility.
Son nom de Venise dans Calcutta désert
The full soundtrack to Marguerite Duras' 1975 film India Song, about a French ambassador's wife in 1930s India, is here repurposed with all new cinematography. As we hear all the dialogue of a bygone movie, we travel visually through images of absence and decay, bereft of life. It's the ghost of a film, and a further commentary on colonialism.
India Song
Voix de la Réception (voice)
A esposa de um desonrado diplomata francês sofre de “lepra da alma,” outro termo para tédio. Por meio de uma mistura de fofocas fora de tela, ficamos sabendo da conduta escandalosa de Anne-Marie na Índia dos anos 30 e seu destino fatal gerado pelo tédio e pela culpa colonial.