Paulina Andreeva

Paulina Andreeva

Nascimento : 1988-10-12, Leningrad, USSR (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Paulina Andreeva
Paulina Andreeva
Paulina Andreeva
Paulina Andreeva
Paulina Andreeva
Paulina Andreeva
Paulina Andreeva
Paulina Andreeva
Paulina Andreeva


The Prophet. Alexander Pushkin's History
The life story of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
Lisa is a mother of two children who survived a divorce. And it seems that everything is starting to return to its usual course, but then she receives a strange warning.
A touching, at the same time funny and sad story of love and separation, which fit into one broadcast of the program "Shop on the couch". What is it – a vivid cross-section of modern trends or an old-as-the-world history of the relationship between a man and a woman? He is not ambitious enough, she is not romantic enough, and, of course, there is someone third between them. A story of one love, sold in the "Shop on the couch" for the price of one sweater.
A touching, at the same time funny and sad story of love and separation, which fit into one broadcast of the program "Shop on the couch". What is it – a vivid cross-section of modern trends or an old-as-the-world history of the relationship between a man and a woman? He is not ambitious enough, she is not romantic enough, and, of course, there is someone third between them. A story of one love, sold in the "Shop on the couch" for the price of one sweater.
A touching, at the same time funny and sad story of love and separation, which fit into one broadcast of the program "Shop on the couch". What is it – a vivid cross-section of modern trends or an old-as-the-world history of the relationship between a man and a woman? He is not ambitious enough, she is not romantic enough, and, of course, there is someone third between them. A story of one love, sold in the "Shop on the couch" for the price of one sweater.
John e o Potrinho Mágico
John e seu amigo vivem uma série de aventuras imprevisíveis em mundos mágicos. Os dois amigos terão que ser mais espertos que um rei tirano, capturar o pássaro de fogo e encontrar o verdadeiro amor de John.
15 August 1990. Viktor Tsoi, the Soviet Union’s most famous rock star, leader of the band Kino, a symbol of freedom and change, dies in an accident on a Latvian highway. The bus driver who was involved in the tragic accident will bring his body back to Leningrad. A party of mourners – Tsoi’s wife and her new boyfriend, his mistress, his producer, his young son and an obsessed photographer – are part of the trip back. This is going to be a long trip, the perfect occasion for an agonizing unravelling of love, jealousy, ambition, and greed.
The Lenin Factor
Sofia Rudneva
Having dedicated his life to the preparation of the revolution in the Russian Empire, Vladimir Lenin, living in exile in Switzerland, desperately seeks a way back to Russia to take control. Options are few when Lenin receives an offer from Alexander Parvus, the most infamous of political opportunists, who has made a deal with Germany to sponsor the revolution under Lenin’s command and smuggle Lenin and his comrades into Russia. Aware that making a deal with 2 devils could cost him everything, Lenin knows he must outsmart and outmaneuver Parvus and the Germans at any cost...
I Cry With You
Mitya is a professional. He cries at funeral for money, piously believes in the importance of his mission. Mitya wants to be top in his profession, but he has a number of competitors, and there are also people who don’t understand him. Some twists in his life come rather unexpected
I Cry With You
Mitya is a professional. He cries at funeral for money, piously believes in the importance of his mission. Mitya wants to be top in his profession, but he has a number of competitors, and there are also people who don’t understand him. Some twists in his life come rather unexpected
Sociedade das Mulheres Traídas
Três meninas, enganadas por homens casados, estabelecem uma sociedade secreta para ajudar outras mulheres como elas.
A Golden City
The Moscow idler Nikita (27) spends his days at home, watching the news and cursing the country; he is certain that the country is to blame for his unemployment. He lets a room in his Moscow apartment to the girl Sara, who has come from Tel Aviv to earn money. One day Sara tells him that she is going back to Israel.
The Martian Chronicles of Us Us Us
She is 25 years old, lives with her father and does advertising for an online casino in her video blog. The father works as cashier in a grocery shop and irons the daughter’s socks. But half an hour ago he decided that it is time to stop that.
The story tells of a series of such meetings, which radically changed the life of a sportswoman.
A comedy inspired by legends and myths of Ancient Greece, and by the biographies of the most trendy and popular characters of Moscow’s social Olympus. The film’s hero is a Greek, who decides to repeat Odyssey’s journey but accidentally sails the wrong way. He finds himself in modern Moscow, where he gets acquainted with well-known personalities. These celebrities unselfishly perform incredible nonsense, while the Greek immediately fames himself as a problem-solver. And his advice always works, even if not quite the way the customers want. But the main problem which the Greek must solve is his own. He falls in love with Maria, the wife of Moscow’s “Zeus”. And to conquer her, the Greek must first rescue all the “gods” on the Moscow Olympus.
Status: Available
Contemporary Moscow. Nikita and Afina are the perfect couple: young, smart, attractive, and in love. Well, perfect, that is, until Afina suddenly leaves Nikita for a 40-year-old dentist. How will Nikita win her back?
The innocent summer affair began as a love story between two young people. Lera and Artem could not break it off, as well as they didn`t have enough of faith, patience and desire to overcome all the obstacles on their life path. The Locust Generation wants to have all at once. The Locust generation will sweep everything on its way. The affair began as a naive young love and passion will turn into a series of bloody assassinations.
Dark World - Equilibrium
As sombras espreitam do Mundo das Trevas para o mundo humano. Esta força é o portal entre os dois mundos e só a força do amor verdadeiro será suficiente para restaurar o equilíbrio