Grant Conway


Slender Man: Pesadelo Sem Rosto
Music Editor
As amigas Wren, Hallie, Chloe e Katie levam uma vida entediante no colégio. Quando ouvem falar num monstro chamado Slender Man, decidem invocá-lo através de um vídeo na Internet. A brincadeira se transforma num perigo real quando todas começam a ter pesadelos e visões do homem se rosto, com vários braços, capaz de fazer as suas vítimas alucinarem. Um dia, Katie desaparece. Como a polícia não dispõe de nenhuma prova para a investigação, cabe às três amigas fazerem a sua própria busca, enfrentando a criatura.
Liz & Dick
Music Editor
On the set of Cleopatra, Hollywood's most beautiful star, Elizabeth Taylor, fell into the arms of one of the world's greatest actors, Richard Burton - and she didn't leave. Their subsequent white-hot, scandalous love affair gave rise to the paparazzi and they became the most hunted and photographed couple on earth. Their rocky, passionate, relationship, born in front of the cameras, was subsequently captured in a series of films, including The V.I.P.s and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? The last of the great, extravagant stars, flaunting diamonds, yachts and private planes, they continually seized the headlines. They even divorced and married again - only to divorce again - but remain in each other's hearts. This Elizabeth Taylor - Richard Burton story is a no-holds barred account of their undying, but impossible love.