Troy Bogdan

Troy Bogdan


Troy Bogdan is a film actor.


Troy Bogdan


Union Meeting Attendee (uncredited)
Lissa, a twenty-year-old girl trapped in rural Pennsylvania, grapples with sex, drugs, love and loss. When a possible pregnancy forces her to take a hard look at her life, both her and the structure of the film mature, illuminating a brighter path ahead.
Pastoral Americana
Sanatorium Worker (uncredited)
Nos tempos do colégio, Seymour Levov era um grande atleta. Depois dos estudos, ele se casa com uma antiga rainha de beleza da cidade, e herda os negócios rentáveis de seu pai. A vida parece perfeita, até a filha do casal começar a manifestar atitudes políticas extremistas, participando de atos terroristas mortais durante a Guerra do Vietnã.
Bus Rider (uncredited)
Home for Thanksgiving break after their first semester at college, five friends discover just how much things change (and don't) after high school.