Danielle Bisutti
Nascimento : 1976-10-01, Simi Valley, California, USA
Danielle Bisutti (born October 1, 1976) is an American actress and singer. She starred on True Jackson.
Norma Steele
In the 1950s, two rookie detectives as set out to solve a homicide, only to find themselves in an alternate reality made up of their worst nightmares.
Elizabeth Ackerman
After losing custody of his daughter in a tumultuous divorce a self-destructive artist finds inspiration by mentoring his new neighbor a 6-year-old latch-key kid named Little May whom he discovers is a gifted painter. But when he becomes romantically involved with May's married mother, he's forced to finally wake up and change the direction of his life so he can become the man he was meant to be.
After losing custody of his daughter in a tumultuous divorce a self-destructive artist finds inspiration by mentoring his new neighbor a 6-year-old latch-key kid named Little May whom he discovers is a gifted painter. But when he becomes romantically involved with May's married mother, he's forced to finally wake up and change the direction of his life so he can become the man he was meant to be.
After losing custody of his daughter in a tumultuous divorce a self-destructive artist finds inspiration by mentoring his new neighbor a 6-year-old latch-key kid named Little May whom he discovers is a gifted painter. But when he becomes romantically involved with May's married mother, he's forced to finally wake up and change the direction of his life so he can become the man he was meant to be.
Mrs. Adams
When Jack Archer gets the opportunity to finally direct a feature-length film, he doesn’t expect sleazy producer Bob Moseby to ask him to film a real murder! With his own life on the line and the days counting down, Jack doesn’t know how to do what’s right and save himself.
Raising Kratos documenta o esforço hercúleo de cinco anos para reinventar uma das maiores histórias do video jogo, God of War. Diante de um futuro desconhecido, o Santa Monica Studio assumiu um enorme risco, mudando fundamentalmente sua amada franquia e restabelecendo seu lugar de direito na história dos videogames. Mais do que apenas um "making of", esta jornada cinematográfica de segundas chances enraizadas na família, sacrifício, luta e dúvida segue o diretor do jogo Cory Barlog e aqueles que perseguem a perfeição na arte e na narrativa. Testemunhe as incríveis derrotas, os resultados imprevisíveis e a tensão de baixo para a frente em plena exibição nesta história de redenção da vida real.
No final de sua carreira, o lendário diretor Orson Welles já não era mais o queridinho de Hollywood que fez sucesso com "Cidadão Kane". Um artista em processo de envelhecimento e aparentemente sem sorte, ele passou seis anos batalhando para tentar concluir "The Other Side of the Wind", o filme que ele acreditava que seria seu grande retorno. Com sua morte em 1985, o projeto acabou, permanecendo em um cofre sem ser terminado por quatro décadas. Imagens inéditas de Welles se unem a entrevistas com o elenco e a equipe do filme para contar a história do fim de sua carreira.
Ms. Grey
Uma estudante exemplar decide trabalhar como babá durante o verão para cobrir suas despesas com a matrícula. Mas logo descobre que as crianças que deve cuidar não são como as outras.
Mother of Parker Crane
A Doutora Elise Rainier é chamada para resolver o caso de uma assombração no Novo México, localizada justamente na casa em que ela passou a infância. Enquanto tenta resolver o caso do morador de sua antiga casa, ela será obrigada a confrontar vários fantasmas e demônios de sua infância, alguns literais. Ao lado de Specs e Tucker, Elise se depara com seu caso mais pessoal.
Sage Callaghan
Two still single career women in their late 30's seek refuge in each other with their biological clocks ticking and life choices in question. Feeling ostracized by their successful, married-with-kids friends, and the mounting pressure of societal norms telling them they "should" have it all by now, they brazenly chase the fairytale, while navigating their complicated lives in L.A.
Two still single career women in their late 30's seek refuge in each other with their biological clocks ticking and life choices in question. Feeling ostracized by their successful, married-with-kids friends, and the mounting pressure of societal norms telling them they "should" have it all by now, they brazenly chase the fairytale, while navigating their complicated lives in L.A.
Executive Producer
Two still single career women in their late 30's seek refuge in each other with their biological clocks ticking and life choices in question. Feeling ostracized by their successful, married-with-kids friends, and the mounting pressure of societal norms telling them they "should" have it all by now, they brazenly chase the fairytale, while navigating their complicated lives in L.A.
Two still single career women in their late 30's seek refuge in each other with their biological clocks ticking and life choices in question. Feeling ostracized by their successful, married-with-kids friends, and the mounting pressure of societal norms telling them they "should" have it all by now, they brazenly chase the fairytale, while navigating their complicated lives in L.A.
Two still single career women in their late 30's seek refuge in each other with their biological clocks ticking and life choices in question. Feeling ostracized by their successful, married-with-kids friends, and the mounting pressure of societal norms telling them they "should" have it all by now, they brazenly chase the fairytale, while navigating their complicated lives in L.A.
Annette Taylor
Sometimes in order to move forward, you have to go back. And in this raunchy comedy, Jim Owens does just that when he heads home for his high school reunion. In an attempt to relive the glory days with his boys and explore an old romance, he nearly destroys his hometown and friendships.
Barb Pierce
O boneco possuído por um assassino sádico está de volta, desta vez para aterrorizar uma jovem presa a uma cadeira de rodas e a sua família.
Parker Crane's Mother
Enquanto os Lambert tentam superar a recente batalha do filho contra espíritos maléficos, o pai, Josh, vê-se a braços com os terrores da sua própria infância.
Heather Stroud
Jeff e Heather Baker eram “sortudos”. Melhores amigos na infância, namorados na adolescência e casados aos vinte e dois anos, eles eram almas gêmeas inseparáveis. Após o nascimento do filho deles, Heather cai em uma depressão profunda. Sem mais esperanças, ela desaparece. Dez anos depois do desaparecimento da esposa, o mundo de Jeff dramaticamente dá uma reviravolta quando Heather, espantosamente, reaparece em um lugar nada comum. Com um repertório composto e apresentado pela ganhadora de prêmios cristãos e artista Michelle Tumes, Amor Sem Limites é uma história tocante sobre fé e perdão para a família.
Airline Passenger
Um ataque à sede da CONTROLE faz com que Maxwell Smart (Steve Carell) seja enfim promovido a agente, ganhando o código 86. Agora, juntamente com a agente 99 (Anne Hathaway), ele precisa encontrar os vilões da KAOS e encerrar seus planos.
Floria Riamondi
A businessman watches as his life begins to unravel after learning his ex-wife is going to marry his best friend. A distracting battle of wills with a real estate developer, however, might just be the thing that turns his life around.
Wexler's Secretary
O calçadão ao longo da praia, um dos pontos turísticos e badalados de Venice, está ameaçado por duas gangues rivais. Os Surfistas, ao norte, estão em pé de guerra com o grupo hispânico ao sul. Cada gangue está lutando pelo lucrativo ponto de venda de drogas que representa o calçadão. A polícia não está conseguindo conter a rivalidade entre as gangues que cresce a cada dia.
Corrine Findlay
A sexy crime adventure. A tropical vacation goes sordid when Corrine learns her husband is a crook who's plundered his parents.
An Independent Film in Costa Rica