Boom Operator
Noruega, início do século 20. Na Ilha de Bastoy existe um reformatório para jovens delinquentes. No entanto, em vez de reabilitar os meninos, os guardas e o diretor abusam mental e fisicamente deles, os usando como mão de obra barata. Earling, de 17 anos, chega a instituição com um plano: escapar da ilha. Após um trágico incidente, ele lidera a rebelião dos meninos de Bastoy. Mas terá de descobrir: até onde ele está disposto a ir pela liberdade?
Boom Operator
A chamber play taking place around Christmas, where Liv, her brother and mother are to celebrate Christmas together. The father has recently left the family and 14 year-old Liv cannot accept that Christmas is not what is used to be. Liv does her best in order to keep both family and Christmas together, but when her mother invites a young colleague to celebrate Christmas with them a painful struggle for power between Liv and her mother takes place.
Stig is a 15-year-old pupil of 37-year-old teacher Viola. He is attracted by her beauty and maturity while she is drawn to him by his youth and innocence, a godsent relief from her drunk and miserable husband.
Donna wants to live the perfect Free Woman life. At the same time she needs the daily comfort of a close relationship to her girl-friend Britt. Britt is romantically inclined in an old-fashioned way and would rather opt for life with a wrong man than with no man at all.
Sound Mixer
No final do século XIX, dois emigrantes suecos, Lasse Karlsson e seu filho Pelle, chegam à ilha dinamarquesa de Bornholm na esperança de encontrar trabalho em uma fazenda e poupar dinheiro suficiente para viajar para os Estados Unidos da América.
Sound Assistant
When Mette and her father are left alone over the Christmas holidays, he starts feeling increasingly rejected and jealous, as his adolescent daughter starts looking for real beaus.
Michael Strunge and other young Danish poets, accompanied by images of night-time Copenhagen.