Peter Kurth

Peter Kurth

Nascimento : 1957-04-04, Güstrow, Germany


Peter Kurth


Leaving and Staying
Meetings with readers, acquaintances and contemporaries of writer Uwe Johnson at the places where he lived. Volker Koepp, who is also from Pomerania, looks for Johnson’s sophisticated literary voice in the landscapes of the region they both stem from.
Dark Satellites
A snack bar owner smokes with his Muslim neighbor in the stairwell of their apartment building at night. Her husband is his good friend. They draw closer to one another as the nights go on and look out over the city to the dark satellites, the brutalist concrete buildings on the outskirts of the city - relics of the GDR past. A security guard watches over Objekt 95, a satellite town with a residential complex which many foreigners call home. While on patrol at night, he gets to know a young Ukrainian woman who fled her home country when the war broke out. He wants to protect her, while his friend, the “old security guard”, radios to him from an abandoned Russian barrack night after night. A woman from the train cleaning service drinks in a train station bar after her night shift. There, she meets a hairdresser. The two of them become friends and spend many nights together in the station. Every night, her desire grows even greater for this woman who is exactly as lonely as she is.
A Porta ao Lado
A estrela de cinema Daniel (Daniel Brühl) parece levar a vida perfeita: ele mora em um apartamento chique em Berlim-Prenzlauer Berg, tem uma linda esposa e uma babá que cuida dos filhos. Quando está a caminho de Londres para um teste para um papel em um filme de super-herói, o ator alemão-espanhol faz uma parada rápida em seu pub favorito. Parece o lugar perfeito para Daniel relaxar um pouco antes da audição: está quieto lá, não há fãs esperando por ele e ele pode passar por seus diálogos em paz. No entanto, ele não contou com Bruno (Peter Kurth). O homem estranho não apenas conhece todos os filmes do ator, mas também conhece muitos detalhes de sua vida privada. Quanto mais a conversa dura quanto mais medo Daniel tem do homem estranho. O que ele não sabe: Bruno se sente isolado da vida e quer vingança. E Daniel é a vítima perfeita...
Natal Sob Fogo Cruzado
Um homem frustra uma tentativa de assassinato, então foge da tripulação de assassinos, juntamente com seu alvo pretendido como uma mulher que ele acabou de encontrar tenta encontrá-lo.
Duelo no Asfalto
Roy derrapa feio na véspera do casamento e, para não perder a noiva, acaba aceitando correr contra uma nova adversária na pista de Nürburgring, na Alemanha.
Im Abgrund
Kommissar David Wallat
Sörensen's Fear
Jens Schäffler
Detective Chief Inspector Sörensen is anxious. More precisely, he suffers from a chronic anxiety disorder that makes life difficult for him. That is why he is moving from Hamburg to the Frisian village of Katenbüll, where he hopes for a more peaceful working life. But that is not how the cookie crumbles. The place is grey and bleak, it rains continuously, and the locals are not very enthusiastic in welcoming him. He also finds his new colleagues, Jenni Holstenbeck and Malte Schuster, somewhat suspect. And then things go from bad to worse. Mayor Hinrichs is found dead in his stables. Sörensen quickly realises that there is a lot of bad blood hidden behind the small town's tranquil facade and some well-founded reasons for anxiety...
Sew the Winter to My Skin
Set in South Africa's rural Great-Karoo region in the 1950s, this epic existential-adventure film chronicles the exploits of the outlaw John Kepe and the various individuals his escapades affected. This Robin-Hoodesque figure would steal primarily livestock from the white settler farmers, terrorizing them for over a decade. Led by the hardliner General Botha, a mammoth manhunt ensues in the very mountain where Kepe was rumored to occupy a Noah's Ark like cave. This spectacle ingratiated Kepe in the hearts of the marginalized indigenous-population, who turn Kepe's miscreant deeds into the stuff of legend, making him a threat to the very fabric of the colonial society. Sew the Winter to my Skin is a thrilling, operatic ride into the heart of Pre-Apartheid South Africa and is a visceral exploration of the effects of the colonial displacement that sewed the seeds for one of the most viciously racist, political regimes in history.
Sealed Lips
A German communist wrongly accused and sent to a labour camp has to keep her past life hidden for the sake of her and her family’s freedom.
Die Aldi-Brüder
Hans-Joachim Ollenburg
1929 – Das Jahr Babylon
Nos Corredores
Christian perdeu o seu emprego na construção civil. Ele encontra um novo emprego como motorista de empilhadeira, onde conhece a misteriosa Marion. Ele fica fascinado pela mulher e tenta entender o seu segredo.
Allmen and the Dragonflies
End of the Season
Becker is a German ex-con trying to hold down a job as a night watchman, but a chance encounter with the man whose family Becker killed 18 years earlier sends his new life spiraling out of control.
Durante um terrível período de guerra e de intensos conflitos bélicos, as vidas de três pessoas acabam se cruzando: Olga (Yuliya Vysotskaya), uma aristocrata russa e membro da resistência francesa; Jules (Philippe Duquesne), um francês; e Helmut (Christian Clauss), um oficial de alta patente dentro das tropas nazistas.
Ein Mann unter Verdacht
Andreas Roth
Anja Altmann disappears after a birthday party. When the police ask husband Thomas about her , family attorney and friend Lavinia Bertok manage to dispel any suspicions about him. But soon Thomas is arrested. While the Altmann family start hurling accusations and recriminations at each other, Anja allegedly surfaces in Spain, raising a strange suspicion against Lavinia.
A Historia de Kaminski, O Pintor Cego
O jovem jornalista Sebastian Zöllner está escrevendo um artigo sobre o biografia do pintor Manuel Kaminski, um artista esquecido que vive sozinho nos Alpes. Para levantar sua carreira, Zöllner tem o plano de publicar o livro, mas apenas quando Kaminski falecer, a fim de lucrar com as vendas.
Um ex-campeão de boxe da Alemanha Oriental e Olímpico agora está em tempos difíceis. Está treinando jovens boxeadores no ginásio local, fazendo shows ocasionais e trabalhando também como cobrador para um agiota. De repente, é forçado a refletir sobre sua vida quando é diagnosticado com uma doença fatal.
Die Kleinen und die Bösen
Dark comedy about a german probation officer and some of his clients...
Julis Schmitke
Schmitke is an old German wind turbine engineer. One day, he is dispatched to the Czech side of the Ore Mountains to fix an old squeaking wind turbine. His colleague disappears and mysterious things begin to happen in the forest.
Arnes Nachlass
Uwe Hellmer
Wilhelm Laser
Canadá, verão de 1898. Um grupo de colonos alemães viaja para o extremo norte, em vagões cobertos, com cavalos de carga e seus poucos pertences no reboque. Os sete viajantes partiram de Ashcroft, a estação ferroviária final. Junto com o seu lí­der, o extravagante empresário Wilhelm Laser, eles esperam encontrar sua fortuna nos garimpos recentemente descobertos de Dawson, mas não têm idéia das tensões e perigos que estão í frente em sua jornada de 2500 km. Antes da longa incerteza, o tempo frio e o cansaço começam a cobrar seu preço e os conflitos vão aumentando. A viagem leva estes homens e mulheres cada vez mais fundo, rumo a um deserto ameaçador.
Ein Jahr nach morgen
Berthold Kran
A german film about a rampage and the consequences in society.
Einer wie Bruno
Karli Fichtner
Lena will es endlich wissen
Lothar Liebling
In the Shadows
Richard Bauer
"In the Shadows" slithers through underworld Berlin in grand style. En route to a twisty finale, German writer-director Thomas Arslan keeps his audience glued to the increasingly desperate actions of Trojan, a thirtysomething career criminal whose latest job slowly catches up with him.
Frösche petzen nicht
Georg Schrummek
Der gestiefelte Kater
Once upon a time there was a miller who had three sons. When the miller died, the three sons shared the inheritance. The oldest, Hermann, got the mill, the second, Hubert, the donkey, the third, Hans, the tomcat Minkus.
12 Paces without a Head
Keno Tom Brooke
The era of the feared sea pirates Klaus Störtebeker and Gödeke Michels is coming to an end. After a long period with no booty at last a bulging ship appears on the horizon. However, Störtebeker is badly wounded in the attempted capture and the pirates suffer ignominious defeat. Not only their ship is down the drain - Störtebeker himself is suddenly plagued by anxiety and doubt about his very existence as a pirate. He is drawn to the beautiful country girl Bille, while Michels gets rebuffed by the friesian princess Okka. In the very moment that the crew have mutinied and co-captain Michels is literally at the end of his tether, they discover on board their ramshackle old tub a most unique wonder weapon. Glory days are quickly revived - until the mighty Hanse consolidate their power and weaponry and go to war against the pirates. Störtebeker and Michels are forced to decide: To live as a farmer or to die as a pirate.
Whiskey with Vodka
A renowned actor named Otto is the epitome of the problematic but beloved ladies man. Even when drunk he still knows more about filmmaking than does the amateur who is directing him in his latest movie. But what should the unreliable star do when a local actor joins the crew as his understudy? Comic situations arise not only because of the well-known environment, but also from an inclination to authentically capture the various relationships.
Without You I'm Nothing
A weekend in the Bavarian Alps. 25-year-old Hannes meets his father after 8 years of separation in a little mountain hut. By the influence of their very different girlfriends Ann and Lavinia, the stage-director-father and his actor-son cautiously try to make a new start. A bold venture, leading all of them to an abyss of unforeseen cruelty.
Und Jimmy ging zum Regenbogen
Grant, US-Geheimdienstagent
1. Mai – Helden bei der Arbeit
An eleven-year-old Turkish boy, two young men from a small town, and a cuckolded policeman from the sticks all find their way to Berlin on May Day, where, in the district of Kreuzberg, emotions come to the boil every year.
Die Weihnachtswette
Alle Alle
Nimm dir dein Leben
Gunter Neusorge
A Friend of Mine
An introverted insurance executive at a car rental service is annoyed by his hyperactive, garrulous coworker, but the two end up becoming friends.
Sicherheitsbeamter Becker
A security guard catches a young woman stealing in a supermarket, but something about her makes him do something he has never done before.
Der Mann im Strom
Hallesche Kometen
Ben lives with his father in a dreary highrise housing estate, earning a bit of money delivering leaflets. The young man′s big dream is to one day write travel logs as a journalist. His unemployed father has been thrown hopelessly off balance with the death of his wife. Ben has since then been carrying all responsibility, taking care of the household, and making sure that all ends meet on his own. The financial pressures he increasingly stands under finally lead him to become criminal.
Nina, uma jovem orfã problemática, se apaixona por Toni, quando a conhece desamparada em um parque, e começam um relacionamento conturbado. Paralelamente, Francoise receba alta do hospital psiquiátrico, e ao se deparar com Nina, acredita que ela seja Marie, sua filha sequestrada aos três anos de idade.
Das Lächeln der Tiefseefische
Zwischen Nacht und Tag
Klassenlehrer Günther Evers
Adeus, Lênin!
X-TV Boss
A mãe de Alexander, fiel devota do socialismo na antiga Alemanha Oriental, tem um ataque cardíaco ao ver o filho em uma passeata contra o sistema vigente. Quando ela acorda do coma, após a queda do muro de Berlim, o médico aconselha a Alexander que ela evite emoções fortes, pois outro ataque tão cedo seria fatal. Com o peso na consciência pelo estado atual de sua mãe, Alex faz de tudo para que ela continue vivendo em uma ilusória Alemanha socialista, mudando embalagens de produtos industrializados e até mesmo inventando documentários televisivos para preencher as brechas do dia-a-dia do recente capitalismo no país.
Northern Star