Michael Kostiff


The Dream Machine
A 16mm anthology of experimental super 8 films by Derek Jarman, Michael Kostiff, Cerith Wyn Evans and John Maybury, with framing footage by Tim Burke of Brion Gysin using a dream machine. Jarman's contribution is a version of his 1977 Art and the Pose (aka Arty the Pose), refilmed at 3fps, with a musical soundtrack. Jarman planned The Dream Machine as a commemoration of William Burroughs and Gysin's 1982 visit to the UK, and received initial funding from the Arts Council in 1983, then rethought the project as a portmanteau film featuring Gysin alone. The production remained in limbo until 1986, when James Mackay obtained completion funding from the British Film Institute. (Since this film was released on VHS accompanied by Jarman's Broken English: Three Songs by Marianne Faithfull, T.G.: Psychic Rally in Heaven and Pirate Tape under the umbrella title The Dream Machine, synopses of this film have often muddled up its details with those of the earlier films. )
Broken English: Three Songs by Marianne Faithfull
12 minute short film for 'Broken English' directed by Derek Jarman, comprised of “Witches Song”, “The Ballad of Lucy Jordan” and “Broken English”. Part of the “The Dream Machine” vignette (1983).
Emperor's Guest
Na Roma do ano de 303, numa festa no palácio do Imperador Diocleciano, soldados se divertem torturando um jovem cristão. Sebastiane, capitão da guarda e também cristão, revolta-se com a situação. Deposto e exilado numa ilha remota, sua religião o torna vulnerável a humilhações de outros soldados e aos impulsos sexuais do centurião Severus. Apoiando-se em sua fé em Deus, Sebastiane não reage às agressões. O único a se importar com ele é Justin, com quem cria uma relação afetuosa. Muitos anos depois de sua morte, ele é canonizado pela Igreja e consagrado como São Sebastião.