Omenosuke Ichikawa


Regina e o Dragão de Ouro
"Regina é uma garota viva e inteligente, amiga de um velho emigrante japonês, que lhe entrega antes de morrer uma relíquia de sua família: uma estatueta do Dragão de Ouro que possui poderes mágicos. O japonês pede à menina que viaje para o Japão com a missão de encontrar sua neta desaparecida. Regina se propõe a cumprir o desejo do velho Tanaka. Orientada pelo espírito do Dragão e de posse de cinco fichas mágicas que possuem o poder de realizar qualquer desejo, Regina transforma três de seus desenhos em bonecos vivos: Gaio, o papagaio Carioca, Jirimum, o macaco nortista, e Lebrinha, uma brasileirinha de qualquer estado."
Trapped, the Crimson Bat
Oichi may have met her match as she vies against the evil beauty that has set her sights on destroying her. She must face numerous other challenges before confronting her greatest rival. While longing to live and love like other women, she realizes that she can never have a normal life, her sword which she holds on to like a security blanket will always come between her and such a life...
Samurai from Somewhere
Young Lord Takenaka stands to succeed his father until a series of violent actions lead his retainers to think that he has gone mad with blood-lust. Never offering any explanation, he continues his seemingly unprovoked attacks until he is sent away from his domain.
Assassination begins with the events of 1853 when "four black ships" anchored at Edo Bay, sparking civil unrest and the major political manoeuvring that saw the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate. At a time when assassination had become a disturbing political tool, Shinoda's film follows Hachiro Kiyokawa, an ambitious, masterless samurai whose allegiances drift dangerously between the Shogunate and the Emperor.
Samurai from Nowhere
Misawa Ihei (Nagato) is traveling with his wife Tae (Iwashita Shima) who abhors the practice of sword fighting for prize money. Tae is the daughter of the clan's chief counselor who married the low-ranking Ihei to avoid becoming the clan lord's mistress. Into the mix comes Oba Gunjuro (Tetsurō Tamba), a mysterious ronin who will do anything for money. This leads to a fitting climax as the forces of hate and love converge while the couple attempt to break through the border!
The Image of Mother
A resolute young man searching for his mother, whom he was separated from as a child, defies a family who mistreat the poor and homeless.
The Red Bat
Stories about Jirocho: Ishimatsu and Oiwake Sangoro
Ishimatsu is strong in fights, but weak in relationships with women and enjoys great popularity among them, and we see how an exciting historical drama about love, enmity and friendship is played out.
The Young Avenger
Akitaro Orizuru, who set out on a journey to avenge his father's death in the darkness, returned to Itako, his hometown, where the Ayame Festival was approaching, for the first time in five years. His late father's brother, Sutezo, who took off his waraji, runs a small prostitute with only one child, Sutematsu. In addition, only Shigezaburo, who left a mark in the middle wind, was ill-mannered by Inomatsu. Akitaro was accompanied by a daughter named Omitsu on the way to here, but she was Ura's younger sister who works at Fujikura's house, and the villagers worked on the fifty cars to meet her critically ill father.
An early fantasy film starring Tomisaburô Wakayama.
A Gang of Five
A group of five law enforcers search Edo for a missing sword.
The Princess Sen
During the Warring States era of early 17th century Japan, teenage princess Sen is besieged with other members of her family in Osaka Castle, by a rival force led by her grandfather.
Portal do Inferno
Em 1159, durante uma tentativa de golpe contra a realeza, arma-se um plano para que a família real possa fugir. Uma senhora da corte aproveita a situação e se faz passar de esposa de um Lorde para sair da cidade. Ela conta com a ajuda de um samurai, que a escolta com segurança. Mais tarde, o samurai pede ao Lorde como recompensa a mão desta mulher em casamento. Mas ele descobre que ela já é casada. O samurai não irá desistir e chegará a desafiar o marido de sua amada para que a deixe, o que irá gerar trágicas consequências.
Shimizu Harbor Is More Frightening Than the Devil
Early jidaigeki by Tai Kato.
Casebooks of Detective Umon: The Incident of the Fawn-Pattern Cloth
Rikô Arashi
Period film about the legendary detective Umon
Trouble Over Swords and Women: Sword Light and Shooting Star
film directed by Tai Katô
Trouble Over Swords and Women:  A Woman's Mind
Jūrokumon karasudō: Sennin higan
Japanese film.
The Flower That Crossed the Mountain
A 1941 Japanese film directed by Shinzo Yoshida.
Second Generation Married Couple
Second Generation Married Couple