Ion Chelaru


"Ocidente" é uma comédia amarga sobre as pessoas que querem emigrar da Roménia, e sobre aqueles que ficam para trás. O filme tem uma estrutura rica e interessante: existem três histórias diferentes - com a duração de uma semana no filme - que se cruzam, interligam e acontecem no mesmo período. As personagens influenciam a vida uns dos outros, às vezes mesmo sem saber. As personagens principais de uma história tornam-se personagens secundárias noutra. Ao mesmo tempo, cenas da primeira parte do filme trazem factos inesperados quando vistas a segunda ou a terceira vez. As histórias não têm apenas um fim: a primeira história termina em cada uma das terceiras partes num ponto diferente, sugerindo soluções radicalmente diferentes para as personagens. A maneira em que o realizador encaixa o tempo e liga eventos muitas vezes produz resultados tematicamente inesperados.
Fii cu ochii pe fericire
A 20 year class reunion, at Snagov, in a villa that belonged to Ceaușescu and now melongs to a media magnate. The reunion is hijacked by a magnatețs son, who makes it into a talk show, in which he humiliates an expat.
Depicts Romania during World War II, focusing on the Royal Coup that toppled Ion Antonescu, the Axis-allied Conducător and authoritarian Prime Minister. Focused around the August 23rd 1944 coup against Marshal Antonescu, the movie also tackles other topics from the same era such as the Iron Guard rebellion and the execution of political leaders by communists.
Somnul insulei
The topic of the film points out the condition of an intellectual in time of totalitarian dictatorship, which subjugated an island from where you can not run. The only alternative is collaborating with power and internment in a rehabilitation institute. A famous writer returns to his homeland to try to confront the terror of an oppressive regime, but he ends up being himself corrupted-thanks to the aberrant system.
Casa din vis
Căpălău, a peasant in a village near Brăila, tries to keep up with the turns of life. Based on "Ningea în Bărăgan” novel by Fănuș Neagu.
Vînătoarea de lilieci
During the Romanian revolution in 1989, Pavel and Damian, two undercover officers of the Securitate secret service enter a building to search for shooters. They are followed by an amateur cameraman.
Delta Space Mission
An advanced spaceship called Delta is created to establish dialogue between intergalactic civilizations. Soon after an alien journalist boards the ship, she and the captain realize the AI that controls the ship can act on its own.