Rolf Wappenschmitt


Wirecard: The Billion Euro Lie
Line Producer
Wirecard: a beacon of hope for Germany's future industries. A FinTech with a dark mucky past and a grandiose future. A company that was set to take over Deutsche Bank in 2019. Until the marvel collapses as a tissue of lies in June 2020, leaving a black hole of 3.2 billion euros in debt.
Cedar Wolf
Line Producer
Zohair, a 14 year old refugee from Afghanistan, finds himself trapped in legal limbo in Greece. While wandering around Athens, he recollects his hometown. His life gradually brightens through the work in an old sawmill and his relationship with an old carpenter and his son.
Summer Of 44
Production Manager
Verão de 1944, Schwäbisch Hall. Contra a propaganda de guerra e o heroísmo ordenado, os cinco meninos de 16 anos do grupo da piscina sonham com swing, sexo e liberdade.
Men Have to Go through This
Line Producer
Paul is done with love - until he meets Lena. Now he has to convince her family on Mallorca of himself being the right one for their daughter. Lena's mother though would prefer Patrick by her side, a hedge funds manager and Lena's ex-boyfriend. Paul is challenged by Patrick to a duel among men and is glad that his three best friends are there to support him...
A Saga Viking
Séc. IX. Um grupo de guerreiros viking foi expulso da sua tribo por ter recusado submeter-se à tirania do rei. Sob o comando do destemido Asbjöran, seguem viagem num navio junto à costa escocesa, com a intenção de saquear os ricos mosteiros de Lindisfarne e, dessa forma, comprar a sua liberdade. Mas uma terrível tempestade arrasta-os para uma região hostil. Com a ajuda de Conall, um enigmático monge, estes homens tentam cruzar o território inimigo e alcançar a segurança de uma fortaleza viking.