Guillaume Gauthier


Babz Dubreuil, a lonely ex-convict, works as a cook in a brunch restaurant. At the encouragement of a colleague, she finds the courage to ask an attractive customer on a date. It might be the beginning of redemption.
The Natural Sweetness of Skin
Revealing women, showing men Dermatology professor Marie-Claire is embarking on a new project linking skin cells and sexuality, when unexpected events disrupt her professional, family and intimate life.
Nocturnal Excursion
Three roommates try to find money to pay their rent in a rather unexpected way.
1:54 minutos
Tim é um pouco solitário. Na escola, ele gravita em direção a outro garoto tímido e eles se tornam amigos. Mas o bullying verbal e físico de uma gangue de crianças, bem como o uso agressivo das mídias sociais, perturbam o novo companheiro de Tim e ele se afasta dele - um ato de covardia que terá sérias repercussões. Como resultado da relutância de Tim em denunciar, os agressores parecem se safar de suas ações, tanto quanto o líder da gangue Jeff. Ele é um dos principais atletas da escola, que parece garantido um lugar no campeonato nacional com 800m de tempo de 1,54 minutos. Quando Tim decide começar o treinamento para enfrentar Jeff, mesmo tendo uma namorada como disfarce, seus inimigos parecem dispostos a fazer o possível para detê-lo.
Death Dive
A ship was found drifting with its crew massacred on the coast of the Gaspé ... It's consternation! In the process, an ambitious journalist, helped a young museum professional archivist rather shy and sedentary, discovers that a collector of maritime objects with dubious intentions may be linked to this terrible story. Then begins a race against time to find out who is this mysterious diver decimating everything in its path to achieve its goals and recover valuable documents looted the wreck of the "Princess of the North", where he found death, 100 years ago ...
After the sudden death of her mother, Aurore Gagnon is abused by her disturbed step-mother as her town remains in the silence followed by her death. Based on a true story.
Shooting Star
Four talented women become finalists in a singing competition.