Bernat Aragonés


One night, at the end of the seventies, Venus, Paula and Miguel's band, performs its last concert.
The Belly of the Sea
June, 1816. A French navy frigate ran aground on a sandbar off the coast of Senegal. Attempts to free the board were futile - the crew had no choice but to abandon ship. Since the available boats were not enough to accommodate the entire crew, the team built a raft. It accommodated 147 people: soldiers, sailors, several passengers and officers. The plan was for the boats to tow the raft. But the cable broke and the raft drifted into the open sea. For those who were on the raft, a harsh and cruel struggle for life began.
15 Hours
Music brought them together. Aura, first violin and Manuel, the world’s most popular conductor, are the most envied couple in the country. Artists, famous and rich, their relationship hides an unmentionable secret. He mistreats her, something she has hidden for too long. One day, fed up with her silenced hell, Aura decides to take the plunge and ask for help, then what she had always suspected but never dared to confirm happens.
A Stormy Night
When a heavy storm threatens the city of New York, two complete strangers –a cynical documentary filmmaker from Spain and an idealist app programmer– find themselves sharing shelter, questioning each other’s understanding of life, happiness and love.
Origens Secretas
Visual Effects Supervisor
Para deter um assassino em série, um meticuloso inspetor conta com a ajuda de um nerd apaixonado por quadrinhos.
Verdade e Honra
Visual Effects Supervisor
Scott trabalha na Defesa americana. Quando um veterano pede para reavaliarem o pedido de Honra ao Mérito negado a um amigo que morreu no Vietnã, Scott vai investigar. Ao pesquisar a história, ele conta com o depoimento de colegas do soldado, como Billy e Jimmy.
A Thief's Daughter
Sara has been alone all her life. She’s 22, has a baby, and wants to form a normal family with her young brother and the father of her child. Her own father, Manuel, decides to come back into their lives after years of absence and his release from prison. Sara knows he’s the main obstacle to her plans and she makes a difficult decision: to distance him from herself and her brother.
Elisa e Marcela
Em 1910, acontecia na Igreja de San Jorge, na região de Coruña, na Galícia, um casamento inesperado entre Elisa e Marcela. Para driblarem as regras locais e poderem se casar, Elisa forja documentos de um parente falecido e se passa por um homem para viabilizar a primeira união homossexual da Europa.
A Livraria
No final da década de 50, uma mulher recém-chegada em uma pacata cidade do litoral da Inglaterra decide abrir uma livraria. Contudo, sua iniciativa é vista com maus olhos pela conservadora comunidade local, que passa a se opor tanto a ela quanto ao seu negócio, obrigando-a lutar por seu estabelecimento
It's Not That Cold Siberia
Spanish filmmaker Isabel Coixet travels to Siberia to attend a film festival where an unknown man —with whom she cannot communicate and who reminds her of her father— hands her a box containing the photographs of a lifetime. In Barcelona, she tries to put the images in order and unravel their mystery.
La pasión del Prado
Post Production Supervisor
A journey through four hundred paintings, all masterpieces, among the more than nine thousand treasured in the Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain.
Ninguém Deseja a Noite
Digital Effects Supervisor
A história real de Josephine Peary, uma mulher da alta sociedade que, em 1908, viaja ao Polo Norte atrás de seu marido, o explorador Robert Beary, a fim de vivenciar com ele o momento ápice de sua carreira, cheia de pesquisas e descobertas. A coragem e o amor a guiarão por uma jornada épica através de um dos lugares mais inóspitos do planeta. No caminho ela conhece Allaka, uma esquimó que vai influenciar profundamente suas ideias rígidas sobre o mundo e a vida. O que separa e o que une duas mulheres durante a longa e tensa busca pelos homens que amam.
Words, Maps, Secrets and Other Things
Post Production Consulting
A portrait of the internationally acclaimed Spanish film director Isabel Coixet and an analysis of her particular world and her sensibility as a creator: her fictional universe, her career and her life through the words of actors, technicians, family, friends, journalists, specialized critics and those filmmakers who have been inspired by her work.
Sara's Runaway
Sara lives in a foster-care facility. Her youth days seem to slip through her fingers while she awaits for her father to come back.
Santi, um adolescente que sofre de uma rara doença que o impede de estar em contato com a luz solar, muda-se junto com sua mãe para uma pequena cidade nas montanhas. Mas lá as coisas não correm tão bem quanto o planejado. Uma série de estranhas mortes tomam lugar naquela região, e Santi torna-se o principal suspeito. Agora, a única maneira de provar sua inocência será desvendando o terrível segredo que esconde a aldeia e os seus habitantes.