Chris Morphet


Coup 53
Self - Cameraman
Teerã, Irã, 19 de agosto de 1953. Um grupo de conspiradores iranianos que, com a aprovação do tirano deposto Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, conspiraram com agentes do MI6 britânico e da CIA americana, conseguiram pôr fim ao governo democrático liderado por Mohammad Mosaddegh, um evento dramático que iniciará a trágica era dos golpes de Estado que, orquestrados pela CIA, ocorrerão, nas próximas décadas, em dezenas de países em todo o mundo.
Coup 53
Director of Photography
Teerã, Irã, 19 de agosto de 1953. Um grupo de conspiradores iranianos que, com a aprovação do tirano deposto Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, conspiraram com agentes do MI6 britânico e da CIA americana, conseguiram pôr fim ao governo democrático liderado por Mohammad Mosaddegh, um evento dramático que iniciará a trágica era dos golpes de Estado que, orquestrados pela CIA, ocorrerão, nas próximas décadas, em dezenas de países em todo o mundo.
Concert for George
Camera Operator
Em 29 de novembro de 2002, um ano após sua morte, um concerto de homenagem a George Harrison foi realizado no Royal Albert Hall. Amigos e familiares se reuniram para tocar suas músicas, e era uma lista impressionante, embora previsível: Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Billy Preston, Tom Petty e Eric Clapton, que também atuou como diretor musical, ocupou o centro do palco, mas o filho de George Dhani Harrison também estava lá, assim como a filha de Ravi Shankar, Anoushka, o antigo rock & roll britânico Joe Brown e Gary Brooker. Ao contrário de muitos lineups de estrelas, todos tinham uma conexão pessoal próxima com George.
The Scandal Story
Director of Photography
In Summer 1961, at a party held on the Cliveden estate of Lord Astor, Minister for War John Profumo met, and subsequently had a brief affair with, a call-girl by the name of Christine Keeler, who had also been seeing a Soviet diplomat. The rumours circulated throughout the following year, but the Fourth Estate was less inclined in those days to disturb the privacy of those at the top of the tree. Eventually, the story made the papers, and Profumo made a statement to the Commons, denying impropriety over his relationship with Keeler. Three months later he was back, confessing that he had misled the House, and he resigned as an MP. But that was only the start of it.
64-Day Hero: A Boxer's Tale
Camera Operator
Documentary about the life and career of the 1940s and 1950s boxer Randy Turpin.
Genesis Live: The Mama Tour
Camera Operator
Highlights from Genesis' concerts at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham, February 1984, at the end of the Mama Tour, supporting their 1983 self-titled album.
Box On
Director of Photography
This is a movie about the alternate boxing circuit. Fighters who have lost their licences to box professionally mainly through injury carry on fighting illegally in big underground tournaments
The Art We Deserve?
Camera Operator
The ART WE DESERVE is an film essay by Richard Cork about the gulf between minority art and mass culture. Examining the public’s preference for bland mass reproduction pictures which are traditional in style and ‘look nice’, the modern artist’s tendency to create an insular, inward-looking art for an educated elite and the media’s unwillingness to take modern art seriously, the film argues that the sense of alienation between artist and the public is largely the result of a class-divided society.
Beats of the Heart: Roots Rock Reggae
Camera Operator
'Roots Rock Reggae' depicts an unforgettable moment in Jamaica's history when music defined the island's struggles and immortalized its heroes. Director Jeremy Marre films Bob Marley and the Wailers, and Lee 'Scratch' Perry record in his legendary Black Ark studio with The Upsetters. Jimmy Cliff rehearses with Sly and Robbie, while Inner Circle's historic live gig is recorded on the violent Kingston streets. The legendary Abyssinians harmonize their haunting Rastafarian songs; Joe Higgs (formerly Bob Marley's teacher) plays and talks; majestic toaster U Roy raps alongside The Mighty Diamonds, and Third World record in a Kingston studio. There is also early archive footage of Toots and the Maytals, and Haile Selessie's royal visit to Jamaica while police and thieves battle it out on the streets, and the ghettos erupt in violence. 1977: An extraordinary year for Reggae music.
It Happened Here Again
The making of Winstanley (1975)
Big Ware
Camera Operator
A poetic portrait of George Curtis, the last traditional country potter in Littlethorpe Potteries, Ripon.