Jorge García


Así es la Suerte
Ramiro is a theater actor who lives estranged from his father and half brother. One morning, he runs into a suicide, who says he is an evil omen. Despite Ramiro´s efforts, the young man dies before his eyes, which leads him to believe that he has caught his bad luck. From then on, his life turns upside down, at the same time as he gets together with his family to fulfill his father´s last wish: to find the love of his life and say goodbye to her.
Não é Você, Sou Eu
Javier fica arrasado quando é abandonado pela noiva. Seu psiquiatra não consegue ajudá-lo e ele acaba caindo nos braços de suas ex-namoradas.
Juana Had Hair of Gold
A magician announces in a show that in Ciénaga, a small town on the Colombian Atlantic Coast, there's a little girl whose hair is made of real gold: Juana. The Deacon, the Mayor, and the greedy population of this town find in this unusual gift the solution of their financial difficulties. But sooner or later, Juana's gift will become in a curse she'll try to fight.