Lillian Hurst

Lillian Hurst

Nascimento : 1943-08-13, San Juan, Puerto Rico


Lillian Hurst (born August 13, 1943) is a Puerto Rican actress and comedian. She started her career in the 1960s, working as a comedian on TV, but then moved on to work on film, stage, and TV.


Lillian Hurst


Yo soy un político
Carlos is an ex-con looking for a job where he earns a lot of money without having to work hard. After discussing it with his cellmate, they conclude that the only work to fit the description is to be politician in Puerto Rico. Carlos decides to run for Governor, like every politician always seeking for the best for his country, and of course, looking for what's best for him.
Romeo y Romeo
Two teenagers in Puerto Rico and the discovery of love through fairy tales and skateboards. Confronted by their desires and repressions, these two teens confront religious and social repressions condemning the chances of accepting their homosexuality.
I Am a Director
After spending 5 years in Hollywood, California, Carlos has go back to his home in Puerto Rico to make his first feature film.
15 años y un día
To confront the harsh reality of being accused for sexually molesting his own daughter, a man seeks escape in his mind.
Regresso do Além
Hotel Manager
Jack Bishop (Simon Baker) é casado com a bela Amaya (Paz Vega) e com ela tem uma filha, Toby (Chloe Moritz). Ele trabalha em uma cidade fronteiriça, entre o Texas e o México, e leva uma vida considerada perfeita. Só que Jack esconde um passado sombrio, que volta à tona quando Toby é sequestrada. Para resgatá-la, ele precisa retornar às suas origens e se apegar mais uma vez a sua religião.
Mrs. Ochoa
Um dia na vida de dois trapaceiros de Los Angeles que se envolvem, aparentemente por acaso, num esquema fraudulento perfeito e extremamente lucrativo. Tudo começa quando, à beira da morte, um antigo conhecido oferece à dupla de pilantras a chance de participar de um negócio milionário envolvendo a falsificação de um certificado raríssimo, disputado por colecionadores de todo o mundo. Mas, à medida que os fatos se sucedem, a dupla descobre que absolutamente nada é o que aparenta ser.
Correndo Atrás do Diploma
Shaun Brumder (Colin Hanks) é um adolescente amável que vive em Orange County, Califórnia, e é completamente apaixonado por surf. Um acidente com um amigo quando estava surfando faz com Shaun reavalie sua vida e encontre um verdadeiro tesouro: uma cópia do romance "Straight Jacket", de Marcus Skinner (Kevin Kline). O livro faz com que floresça em Shaun o desejo de se tornar escritor, fazendo com que ele se dedique nos estudos para que possa ser aceito na Universidade de Stanford, onde o próprio Skinner leciona. Com notas altas e um trabalho final impecável, Shaun espera ansiosamente a resposta de Stanford sobre seu ingresso na faculdade. Até que, para sua desilusão, Shaun é rejeitado. Buscando descobrir o que pode ter ocorrido, Shaun descobre que houve um engano na direção de sua escola no envio de suas notas para Stanford. Ele resolve então partir numa tentativa desesperada de entrar para a universidade, mas tem apenas 24 horas para corrigir o engano ocorrido.
Pronto pra Corrida
Lourdes Ortiz
Menina de 14 anos que adora cavalos de corrida obtém o direito de treinar com um cavalo tido como pangaré pelo dono, mas que, em suas mãos, revela-se bom de corrida.
Pão e Rosas
Maya is a quick-witted young woman who comes over the Mexican border without papers and makes her way to the LA home of her older sister Rosa. Rosa gets Maya a job as a janitor: a non-union janitorial service has the contract, the foul-mouthed supervisor can fire workers on a whim, and the service-workers' union has assigned organizer Sam Shapiro to bring its "justice for janitors" campaign to the building. Sam finds Maya a willing listener, she's also attracted to him. Rosa resists, she has an ailing husband to consider. The workers try for public support; management intimidates workers to divide and conquer. Rosa and Maya as well as workers and management may be set to collide.
Candyman: Dia dos Mortos
Flower Woman
Assassinatos em série aterrorizam um bairro de Los Angeles, e o responsável é o fantasma de um pintor morto há dois séculos conhecido como Candyman (Tony Todd). Todos os moradores acreditam no retorno do maléfico espírito com exceção de Caroline McKeever (Donna D'Errico), que descobrirá ter um segredo em comum com o homem que utiliza um gancho no lugar das mãos.
Things I Forgot to Remember
A bittersweet comedy in Spanish and English about a Cuban family that migrates to the United States. Robertico, Carmela and Roberto's youngest son, grow up feeling ashamed that his family might not be American enough. He has reached this conclusion by constantly watching American television and forming an opinion as to how Americans really are. Led by his desperation, he literally escapes into an American television sitcom in order to forget about his Cuban past. Not knowing what to do, his family prays to the Virgin Mary to ask for help. When the cultures clash, Robertico has to decide whether he is strong enough to withstand his own self-hatred, and learn not only self-esteem, but how to embrace his Cuban roots.
Grandma Álvarez
An East L.A working stiff is bullied by his wife to run for a City Council position against a well-organized recognized political figure.
What I Did for Love
A man falls in love from afar with a woman who has just broken up acrimoniously with her husband and is disgusted with all men except her gay friends.
Old woman
Seventeen years after slaughtering all but one member of a family, a vicious serial killer known only as "The Sandman" awaits execution. But first, his jailers allow a minister to visit the killer to give him last rites, unaware that the minister is a voodoo priest and an ally of the condemned prisoner. The priest places a hex on the Sandman so that when he is executed, his soul migrates into a new body made of sand. To sever his ties with his former life and achieve absolute power, the sandman must find and kill a man named Griffin, the sole survivor of the last family murdered by the killer
Privacidade Obscena
Emanuelle, uma modelo mundialmente famosa, é mantida em cativeiro por Richard Tate, um fã maluco. O rapaz a quer somente para si, e a beldade precisa usar de todos os seus recursos para tentar escapar.
Uma Chance em Um Milhão
Nosey Neighbor
Romantic comedy about an honest Mexican immigrant who struggles without a green card by selling oranges on a street corner. One day a limousine pulls up and he is handed a check for $1,000,000 with instructions that he is to give the check back in 30 days. Initially he uses the check to convince people to extend credit to him. In the meantime he also attracts a woman who is in a dead end relationship with a bossy businessman. At the end of the 30 days, he finds his life in turmoil, the things he got on credit are repossessed, and he is being evicted from his dwelling and being sent back to Mexico.
From the Files of Joseph Wambaugh: A Jury of One
Mrs. Madrid
In the first of a potential series of films inspired by the real-life experiences of Los Angeles police officer turned bestselling author Joseph Wambaugh, an on-the-skids detective, with memories of having accidentally shot and killed his partner while they were pursuing a pair of bank robbers, tries to put his life back in order.
Golpe do Destino
Mrs. Maris
Jack McKee is a doctor with it all: he's successful, he's rich, and he has no problems.... until he is diagnosed with throat cancer. Now that he has seen medicine, hospitals, and doctors from a patient's perspective, he realises that there is more to being a doctor than surgery and prescriptions.
The Summer My Father Grew Up
Mrs. Gonzales
A divorced and remarried doctor tries to reconnect with his eleven-year-old son whom he has always neglected.
A realistic look at the plight of the Mariel Boat People, the so-called "undesirables" who were shipped off to America by Cuba's Fidel Castro in 1980. Ramon is among these people, and suffers the resentment of the longtime Cuban residents of Miami.
Mi Borinquen querido
Rosita is a young Puerto Rican woman, beautiful but for her scarred face, which she views as a curse. She ignores the men who serenade her nightly for a manipulative man who pursues her for the money she inherited.
Romance in Puerto Rico
Rosina is frustrated by her engagement to millionaire John Johnson III, a fussy, domineering, control freak. The night before her wedding, she goes out dancing with her maid María, María's husband Tomás, and their friend Gordillo. When Rosina learns Gordillo is a sailor on the yacht owned by Mexican film star José María Beltrán, she decides to stow away and sail to Mexico to be with her grandmother.