Sheila Whitfield


Ex Memoria
Grace (Carer)
A film about memory, loss and survival; Eva Lipszyc is a survivor, but she is now locked away in the twilight world of Alzheimer's disease. We see the world from her point of view, at her eye level, and we see how a chance encounter with a caring young nurse breaks through the barrier
The Criminal
Forensic Scientist 2
Jasper Rawlins, a none-too-successful musician, finds himself chatting with a beautiful woman at his neighborhood bar. She goes home with him, direct and frank in answer to his nervousness. During the night, someone breaks into his flat and cuts her throat. He runs into the arms of the police, who dismiss his story, but release him while they search for the weapon. He investigates the crime, and over the next few days, meets a knowing pornographer, hit men, and other schemers. As dead bodies pile up wherever he goes, the police are soon looking for him with guns drawn. As he discovers secrets about a shadowy corporation, the police close in. Can he find someone to trust?
G:MT Greenwich Mean Time
Nurse Louise
Six London school-leavers attempt to make it in the world, balancing the challenge of trying to make a name for themselves in the music industry against the pressures and tragedies of everyday life.
Crupiê - A Vida em Jogo
Jack Manfred (Clive Owen) sonha em se tornar um escritor, mas em meio às suas tentativas em terminar e publicar seu primeiro romance acaba ficando endividado. Tentando ajudá-lo, seu pai (Nicholas Bell) lhe consegue emprego em um cassino de Londres, onde Jack se revela um exímio jogador e croupier. Entretanto, apesar de estar se saindo bem no novo emprego Jack recebe a pressão de Marion (Gina McKee), sua namorada, para que peça demissão, pois Marion acredita que o novo emprego está atrapalhando sua veia literária. É quando Jack se envolve romanticamente com Bella (Kate Hardie), outra funcionária do cassino, e Jani (Alex Kingston), cliente do local que deseja convencer Jack a ajudá-la em um assalto ao próprio cassino.
Coming Down
A group of friends come to Gary's flat after a hard night's clubbing, take more drugs and chill out until the next morning.
“Mai is a late-night pirate radio disc jockey, Dush is a boy from the street and Bob Finch is a detective constable with something to hide. As the night's drama unfolds, all three are brought together on a collision course.” - Radio Times (1996)
Black and Blue
Jackie Jessop
When a local black politician is murdered an undercover police officer unveils a web of police corruption which puts lives at risk and threatens the whole community.