Toni Delaney


Em Nome do Pai
Makeup Artist
Em 1974, um atentado a bomba do IRA mata cinco pessoas em um pub de Guilford, próximo de Londres. O jovem rebelde irlandês Gerry Conlon e três amigos são acusados pelo crime, presos e condenados. Giuseppe Conlon, pai de Gerry, tenta ajudar o filho e também é condenado, mas pede ajuda à advogada Gareth Peirce, que passa a investigar as irregularidades do caso.
Hear My Song
Makeup Artist
Singer Josef Locke fled to Ireland 25 years ago to escape the clutches of the tax man and police Chief Jim Abbott. What he also left behind was the love of his life Cathleen Doyle. Now, Micky O’Neill is desperate to save both his ailing Liverpool nightclub ‘Heartly’s’ and his failing relationship with the beautiful Nancy, Cathleen’s daughter. The solution? Book the infamous Josef Locke.
Makeup Artist
Uma dona de casa esquizofrênica, engolfada por aparições aterrorizantes, mata cada uma delas, sem saber se esses demônios são meras criações de sua imaginação alucinatória ou parte da realidade. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Diamonds for Breakfast
Makeup Artist
Swinging playboy Grand Duke Nicholas Goduno, a direct descendent of the Romanov family who were overthrown in the Russian Revolution of 1917, learns that his family's crown jewels will be exhibited at a London museum and plots to steal them. To this end, he gathers a crew of beautiful but dangerous women, led by Bridget Rafferty, to assist in his plot against Popov, the Soviet functionary in charge of the exhibit.