Murray Curtis


Time Addicts
Visual Effects Supervisor
In debt to their volatile drug dealer, best friends, Denise and Johnny, agree to a sketchy job to pay off their last hit. After breaking into a decrepit stash house to steal a bag of mysterious drugs, escape proves more troublesome, as the pair find themselves trapped inside with a madman. With no way out and not one to miss an opportunity, Johnny smokes the new drug and promptly travels into the past, triggering alarming new events in the future. Separated through time, Denise is left alone to confront her past, their dealer’s real identity, and her very own existence.
Run Rabbit Run
Visual Effects Supervisor
Como médica de fertilidade, Sarah tem uma compreensão sólida do ciclo da vida. No entanto, quando ela é forçada a entender o comportamento cada vez mais estranho de sua filha, Sarah deve desafiar suas próprias crenças e confrontar um fantasma de seu passado.
Relíquia Macabra
Visual Effects Supervisor
Quando a velha mãe Edna inexplicavelmente some, cabe à filha Kay e à neta Sam viajar para a decrépita casa de campo da família para encontrar pistas de sua demência espalhadas pela casa.
Outra Vida
Visual Effects Supervisor
Uma cientista desenvolve uma droga revolucionária que induz realidades virtuais e expande a sensação de tempo. Quando o governo tenta assumir projeto, ela precisará decidir como usar sua poderosa criação.
A Síndrome de Berlin
VFX Supervisor
Clare (Teresa Palmer) é uma fotógrafa australiana que está passando férias em Berlim. Lá, ela conhece Andi (Max Riemelt), um jovem carismático que logo conquista a atenção da moça. A atração entre os dois é instantânea e eles acabam passando uma noite juntos. No entanto, quando Clare acorda na manhã seguinte, se vê sozinha e presa no apartamento de Andi.
Pelo Rio Abaixo
Visual Effects Supervisor
James has served time for drowning a little boy when he was a child, although the body was never found in the river. A visit from his victim's mother upon parole sends him on a quest to find the truth. With little time and danger at every turn, James risks his freedom and his life to uncover the trail of sins that might give closure to the grieving mother.
Visual Effects Supervisor
When Chinese-Australian teenager Lawrence cheats at and fails his high-school exams, destroying his dreams of a medical degree, he's banished to the country for the summer. There, he meets wily old conman the Professor and his cynical daughter Sarah, and learns that even the sneakiest scam can't conjure up love. Is it a true story? That might be another of Leung's tricks.
Visual Effects Supervisor
On the edge of a crumbling city, 11-year-old Alexander lives in a sequestered commune alongside other children, their mothers, and charismatic leader, Gregori. Gregori teaches the children how to raise livestock, grow vegetables, work as a community - and how to kill. With the birth of a new baby brother weighing on his mind, Alexander begins to question Gregori’s overpowering influence on the children and their training to become assassins. Threatened by his increasing unwillingness to fall in line, Gregori’s behavior turns erratic and adversarial toward the child he once considered a son. With the two set dangerously at odds and the commune’s way of life disintegrating, the residents fear a violent resolution is at hand.
Digital Compositors
When two medical students find themselves dangerously indebted to a sadistic loan shark, they become embroiled in an illicit black-market organ transplant scam in order to save their lives. 'Muggers' is a twisted, hilarious, pitch-black comedy about friendship, poor choices and the drag of student debt.