Arunas Baraznauskas


The Ballad of Uhlans
Director of Photography
O ano é 1812. Na véspera da batalha decisiva de Borodino, o agente secreto de Napoleão rouba um plano de batalha russo. Este fato é conhecido pelo general Kutuzov (chefe das forças russas), graças a um jovem nobre Alexey Tarusov. Tarusov junta-se ao regimiento de lanceiros russos, e encontra novos amigos como o tenente Gorzhevsky, o príncipe Kiknadze e o sargento Ptukha. Depois da terrível batalha de Borodino, eles caem em muitas aventuras inesperadas ...
Director of Photography
Failing to complete an important assignment without casualties, fearless crime fighters from an elite special service agency, masters of disguise and simply fun guys "Velik" and "Koshka" were demoted to serve in a department of a Drug Enforcement Agency...
The Power of Fear
Director of Photography
Ivan, a cynical journalist, is assigned to investigate mysterious events in a small town. During his first night, he is seduced by a strange and mysterious girl. As they embrace, she transforms into a hideous demon. Ivan fights the creature, managing to strangle it. But it is too late, Evil has been unleashed. When Ivan is charged for the brutal murder, he feels his last hope disappear. As he is overcome by the dark forces trying to pose as his soul, Ivan comes to realize that his only hope lies in his power to find the faith that he once lost
Director of Photography
A graduate of the Philology Department of Moscow State University from the 1960s enters into a confrontation with the Albanian dictator and ends up in prison.