Aleksandr Maksimovich


She Sees Red - Interactive Movie
Production Design
When someone is killed inside a nightclub, an experienced detective vows to put the murderer behind bars. Make choices that affect the narrative and experience several different endings in this blood-red interactive movie.
Unreal Love
Production Design
A romantic comedy about the adventures of the two old friends, former classmates, Mira and Olga in today Moscow.
The Ballad of Uhlans
Art Direction
O ano é 1812. Na véspera da batalha decisiva de Borodino, o agente secreto de Napoleão rouba um plano de batalha russo. Este fato é conhecido pelo general Kutuzov (chefe das forças russas), graças a um jovem nobre Alexey Tarusov. Tarusov junta-se ao regimiento de lanceiros russos, e encontra novos amigos como o tenente Gorzhevsky, o príncipe Kiknadze e o sargento Ptukha. Depois da terrível batalha de Borodino, eles caem em muitas aventuras inesperadas ...
Death Game
Art Direction
A young black man is a growing basketball star in his school. The Mob decides to initiate him and manage him. He likes the presents, money and girls, but his coach does not. When things go too far, only his coach can do what must be done.