Marcel De Hoogd


O Conto das Três Irmãs
Em um vilarejo pobre no centro da Península de Anatólia, três jovens garotas foram entregues pelo pai a uma rica família da cidade grande, na intenção de trabalharem como babás e empregadas domésticas. Uma a uma, foram enviadas de volta, por desagradarem aos patrões. Enquanto o pai das três tenta consertar a situação, para dar melhores condições de vida às garotas, elas sonham com um futuro longe dali.
First Kiss
A starry-eyed employee of a hot cosmetics company hires a dreamy photographer who is secretly indebted to a major rival -- her sketchy aunt.
Sound Mixer
A famous game show host is being harassed in a restaurant by a strange man who claims to have kidnapped his wife and daughter. A morbid game ensues in which the game show host turns out to be the contestant.
The Dinner Club
Dialogue Editor
Karen (32) and Michel (36) move with their daughter to an exclusive residential area. She soon finds a new close circle of friends: the women of the Dinner Club, and their husbands. But when two of the Club members commit suicide under suspicious circumstances, Karen starts to have second thoughts about her new friends. She has to choose: will she reveal the truth and dish the dirt, or will she protect the interests of the Dinner Club?
The Dinner Club
Karen (32) and Michel (36) move with their daughter to an exclusive residential area. She soon finds a new close circle of friends: the women of the Dinner Club, and their husbands. But when two of the Club members commit suicide under suspicious circumstances, Karen starts to have second thoughts about her new friends. She has to choose: will she reveal the truth and dish the dirt, or will she protect the interests of the Dinner Club?
In Real Life
Sound Mixer
In his new film a young director puts his girlfriend through a love test. By doing so he risks his real life relationship with her.
Production Sound Mixer
A shooting accident in which a dutch police officer shoots a young Moroccan rapper creates polarization about the issue of racism among citizens of a multicultural society.
Gigolô Europeu por Acidente
Production Sound Mixer
Vários gigolôs europeus são assassinados e as suspeitas recaem sobre T.J. Hicks, o cafetão de Deuce Bigalow. Ele, então, vai à Europa para tentar limpar o nome do amigo. Lá, ele tem que lutar contra o sindicato local, além de “enfrentar” mais uma lista de clientes anormais, como Eva, que sofre de uma séria desordem obsessivo-compulsiva.
Caçadores de Mentes
Production Sound Mixer
Em uma ilha remota o FBI desenvolve um programa de treinamento para sua divisão de perfis e resgates psicológicos, chamada Caçadores de Mentes. Este programa é usado para rastrear serial killers. Entretanto o treinamento apresenta problemas quando 7 jovens agentes descobrem que um deles é na verdade um serial killer, que está decidido a matar os demais.
Verse Texture
An actress and an actor overhear parts of the play "Three Travelers Watch Sunrise" by Wallace Stevens (1879-1955). The dialogues of the three [Chinese] travelers and the girl [Anna] are spoken as a monologue by the actress. The actor just listens but occasionally he gives her instructions.
Production Sound Mixer
Bob and Annie separate. After the court case Annie gives Bob two airline tickets for a tropical island to save their relationship. However, Bob takes someone else with him on holiday: Carmen, the daughter of Mafioso Don Gorgonzola. Annie lags behind in Holland, where she falls in love again with other men.