Dwayne Marion Johnson

Dwayne Marion Johnson


Dwayne Marion Johnson


Male Pornstar
Ronnie is a young white male, struggling with the pressures of life. He’s unemployed, rejected from the military for being mentally unstable, and lives at home with his ailing and nagging mother. Ronnie finds an outlet for his frustration online. The alt-right community gives him a place to belong and absolves his personal responsibility.
Trem Para o Inferno
Face Ripping Demon
A gunslinger, a vengeful ex-slave, and a runaway board a midnight train to Atlanta. They discover that the train is haunted by a sinister force, and must fight to survive the night.
Wolf Mother
Chinatown Club Boss
In an attempt to rectify their criminal past, a once successful Hollywood starlet, turn prostitute, and a petty, misogynistic thief, set out together to solve a high profile child abduction case in San Francisco.
B.C. Butcher
The Butcher
When a tribe of cavewomen imparts cruel justice on one of their own their fate takes a turn for the worst. After discovering and falling in love with the corpse sacrificed by the girl-gang, a lone wandering giant of pre-historic mythos is inspired to homicide. Consequently the cavewomen are menaced by the heartbroken and bloodthirsty cave-brute with a grudge, and the prophetess among them is ignored when she predicts the tragic outcome.
Clint Howard Reboots Pippi Longstocking with Milla Jovovich and Fred Willard
Security Guard
Marvel movies are all the rage, and Clint Howard thinks it's time for a certain redhead to become a star again.
MMA Fighter
Spencer turns to his best friend who's planned an unorthodox "mantervention" filled with debauchery to convert him from hopeless romantic to forever player, and in the process they discover that being in love is not so bad after all.
P-51 Dragon Fighter
As World War Two rages on, the allies are about to push the Nazis out of North Africa. That's when the Nazis turn up the heat, unleashing their secret Weapon: DRAGONS!!! The allies quickly lose ground to the ancient monster, and are close to complete annihilation when the Allies put together a group of special fighter-pilots, specially trained to fight a beast everyone thought was a myth.
P-51 Dragon Fighter
As World War Two rages on, the allies are about to push the Nazis out of North Africa. That's when the Nazis turn up the heat, unleashing their secret Weapon: DRAGONS!!! The allies quickly lose ground to the ancient monster, and are close to complete annihilation when the Allies put together a group of special fighter-pilots, specially trained to fight a beast everyone thought was a myth.
When an experimental lethal-injection has the unexpected result of making an inmate immortal, the most vicious convicts steal it to take over the prison and the world.