Eric H. Lasher
Nascimento : 1960-02-20, Burlingame, California, USA
Behind the scenes footage of I'm Dangerous Tonight. Footage shot by Stan Giesea and Eric H. Lasher
Still Photographer
Clarice, the perfectionist stylist of Dwellings magazine, decides after many romantic dates never got her further then a second date to follow her editor's advice and try the unconventional method of a female love Dr. which includes 'duty dating' with three men simultaneously until she finds a fiancé. After a difficult start the method gets her best catch, ambitious and hunky lawyer Graham, to propose to her, but then good old-fashioned doubts kick in, also concerning her best male friend, photographer Sheridan..
Still Photographer
Oito adolescentes vão passar as suas férias a bordo de um barco, num lago na Califórnia do sul.O passeio em breve se torna um pesadelo, quando roubam uns ovos de crocodilo…
Still Photographer
A group of college students break into an abandoned convent and become possessed by demonic spirits.
Executive Producer
Incarcerated for over twenty-four years in solitary at a Texas State Psychiatric Hospital, one of the most notorious serial killers of the past century, Chop Top Sawyer, is interviewed by a tabloid news crew. Recalling fond memories of happier times, we flashback to the '70s and get a "taste" of life during one fateful evening for four youths encountering his hospitality as we join him for an over-the-top killing spree. As the interview winds to a close the crew get more than they bargained for as they experience what is to be the last in a long line of these all american massacres.
Director of Photography
Incarcerated for over twenty-four years in solitary at a Texas State Psychiatric Hospital, one of the most notorious serial killers of the past century, Chop Top Sawyer, is interviewed by a tabloid news crew. Recalling fond memories of happier times, we flashback to the '70s and get a "taste" of life during one fateful evening for four youths encountering his hospitality as we join him for an over-the-top killing spree. As the interview winds to a close the crew get more than they bargained for as they experience what is to be the last in a long line of these all american massacres.
Still Photographer
Welcome to lush Dinosaur Island, where a tribe of gorgeous cavedwelling warrior women satisfy the exotic fantasies of five downed military airmen. Fearsome battles with the island's ferocious maneating dinosaurs are the only disruption of their seductive pleasures on this island paradise. Narrowly surviving with their lives, the rugged men fall under the seductive spell of their lovely captors and soon find their every dream fulfilled.
Still Photographer
Quando quatro sensuais garotas universitárias são contratadas para limpar uma enorme mansão deserta, sem querer, libertam um Fantasma (David Carradine), e um pérfido e traiçoeiro Demônio que ganha vida surgindo de um desenho que estava em um velho livro de Magia Negra. O desenho pula para a vida e inicia seu "reino de terror" tentando se apossar das almas das garotas para assim obter imortalidade e governar o mundo. Ele penetra no corpo de uma das garotas e começa sua missão de domínio e destruição. Porém, o Fantasma surge para acabar com ele e assim salvar a vida das garotas e talvez de todo o mundo.
Still Photographer
Um homem misterioso chega em um lugarejo onde se apresenta o circo dos horrores. Ele busca vingança contra um cruel vampiro que comanda o show e que o transformou em lobisomem.
Still Photographer
An ancient Aztec cloth with a curse accidentally finds its way into the possession of a young woman. She decides to make a dress from the cloth. Whoever wears this cloth/dress comes under its spell; all inhibitions and moral responsibilities are lost.
Still Photographer
Um jovem descobre que seus pais foram usados em um experimento com armas atômicas pouco antes de ele nascer e que os resultados tiveram alguns efeitos inesperados nele.
Still Photographer
Garota tímida vira a atração de uma festa depois de ser possuída por uma entidade do mal.
Still Photographer
A baseball-loving small girl decides to hook up her favorite down-on-his-luck baseball player and her mom, a down-on-her-luck lounge singer. Then her controlling rich granddad tries to force her mother to send the girl to live with him.
Still Photographer
A video store clerk stumbles onto an alien plot to take over earth by brainwashing people with a bad '50s science fiction movie. He and his friends race to stop the aliens before the tapes can be distributed world-wide.
Still Photographer
A documentary filmmaker, who has spent the last 15 years making films like "Aluminum: Our Shiny Friend," is finally given the chance to make the documentary on Indian farming he has always wanted to. The catch? He must simultaneously direct a porn film. But as he tries to make the porn film, which he turns into a musical called "Halloween in the Barracks," he must deal with a temperamental actor, a fundamentalist preacher, and other obstacles.
Still Photographer
Um ex-policial planeja vingança contra os maníacos mascarados que trucidaram seu sobrinho. Uma DJ, que é ameaçada pelo bando, se junta a ele para encontrar e exterminar os assassinos, antes que vire mais uma de suas vítimas.
Still Photographer
Alienígenas invadem área rural dominando a todos exceto o menino David, que consegue fugir e tenta salvar familiares e vizinhos. Refilmagem de "Os Invasores de Marte", de William Cameron Menzies, realizado em 1953.