Giancarlo Sambucini


The Uncertain Death
Production Supervisor
A man living in a remote area of India has an affair with a local woman who he leaves in order to marry another. His lover commits suicide after cursing him and his family. Upon returning from London with his new wife he begins to experience strange hallucinations.
Unit Manager
An anthology film / black comedy about three ordinary men who become involved in violent crimes.
O Planeta dos Vampiros
Production Director
Em um futuro não muito distante, uma missão de investigação de um misterioso planeta chamado Aura, lança duas naves no espaço, Argos e Galliot. Chegando ao planeta desconhecido, a tripulação da Galliot começa a lutar entre si sem motivo aparente. Os impulsos agressivos passam e eles decidem procurar pela nave Argos porém, quando a encontram, descobrem que toda a tripulação morreu lutando entre si. Eles descobrem que o estranho planeta é habitado por seres alienígenas sedentos por sangue, que desejam fugir de seu mundo.
Totò diabolicus
Unit Manager
The marquis Galeazzo di Torre Alta is murdered by a mysterious killer who calls himself Diabolicus. His heirs are his three brothers and a sister, but all of them, with the exception of Monsignor Antonino di Torre Alta, are killed by Diabolicus. The police are unable to solve the case, but when Antonino gives his inheritance to Pasquale Bonocore, illegitimate son of his father and Pasquale is in prison and therefore can't be the killer, all the clues are in the hand of the police.
Totò, Peppino and... the Sweet Life
Unit Manager
Antonio goes to Rome to represent his fellow peasants, to request a highway that will be built in their region. But the guy is mastered by 'la dolce vita' and wastes the money entrusted to him for his mission. When Peppino is sent to to find out what happened, he lets himself be trapped by the gentle grip of 'la dolce vita'
Fúria Bárbara
Script Supervisor
The legendary John of the Black Bands begins a romantic relationship with a beautiful girl without revealing his identity. The girl unconsciously discovers the truth and retires to a convent. She thinks that John is guilty of the death of her family, and cannot continue to love him. He remains wounded in battle.
La vena d'oro
Unit Manager
Jealous of his widowed mother's new lover, a boy does everything to separate them. Then, after he realizes their profound feelings for each other, he tries to reunite them.
Passionate song
Production Secretary
Lucia Spinelli, orphaned by both parents, is taken as a housekeeper in the house of Mrs. Carla Parodi, when she reaches the age of majority, the young woman is almost forced to marry Mrs. Carla's brother. After the marriage and the birth of the first child, Parodi's intrusions on the life of the two spouses continue.
I'll See You on the Balcony
Production Secretary
Ignazio Panizza goes from one failure to the other until he meets a singer, Caterina, provided with an exceptional voice.
Dois Vinténs de Esperança
Production Secretary
Boscotrecase, província de Nápoles: Antonio acabou de voltar do serviço militar e está encarando a dura realidade do pós-guerra, aprendendo a arte de sobreviver. Ele tem a mãe e várias irmãs para sustentar sozinho, e por isso ele aceita todo emprego que aparece. Logo conhece Carmela, filha do fabricante de fogos de artifício da cidade, que Antonio rejeita no começo devido a sua situação financeira, mas ela não desiste, e logo ele também a quer a todo custo.