Heinrich James


Little Heroes
Corp. Man #3
Harry Burton is going to fly to Washington DC to testify against his former employer, which could hardly hurt the whole tobacco industry. For two days, Harry and his wife Shelly have let their kid Charlie alone in the big house, only with their maid Maria and their dogs Samson and Hercules. But two thugs are breaking into the house to threaten Charlie's life and so force Harry to change his testimony.
Crime of the Century
German-Speaking Pastor
In 1932, the nation was shocked when the 14-month-old son of Charles Lindberg was kidnapped, held for ransom, and murdered. Two years later, Bruno Richard Hauptmann was arrested, convicted, and executed. This film dramatizes the investigation against Hauptmann, the trial, and the execution, painting a picture of a corrupt police force under pressure to finger a killer framing an innocent man by manufacturing evidence, paying-off and blackmailing witnesses, and covering up exculpatory evidence.
Art Deco Detective
German Terrorist
While investigating the murder of a movie star, a detective finds that he himself is being set up for the crime.
Marching Out of Time
Von Kontz
Nazis, in an attempt to teleport themselves into England during World War II, are instead accidentally teleported forward in time into suburbia, United States, in the early 1990s.
As Aventuras de Rocketeer
Nazi Agent
O jovem piloto Cliff Secord acaba encontrando, após sofrer um acidente aéreo em função de um tiroteio entre gângsters e o FBI, um protótipo ultra-secreto de mochila à jato escondido por um dos bandidos. Assumindo a identidade de Rocketeer, Cliff encontra todo o tipo de vilão, liderados por um ator de Hollywood, Neville Sinclair, que na verdade é um espião à serviço dos nazistas. Durante um vôo de exibição, Cliff usa o foguete para salvar um amigo de um acidente, passando a ser chamado de "Rocketeer" pelo público. Com sua foto nas primeiras páginas de todos os jornais, Cliff passa a ser perseguido pelo FBI, por gângsters e por espiões alemães, que sequestram Jenny, sua namorada, forçando Cliff a resgatá-la. O jovem piloto enfrentará diversas dificuldades para tentar derrotar seus adversários, que estão ansiosos em usar a mochila à jato para seus planos de conquista mundial.