Juliana Kroeger


Lua em Sagitário
Production Manager
Ana (Manuela Campagna) é uma jovem de 17 anos que vive em uma cidade fronteiriça entre o Brasil e a Argentina. Lá, ela não tem opções de lazer e nem acesso à internet. Seu único refúgio é visitar um sebo/lanhouse conhecido como "A Caverna". É lá que, certo dia, ela acaba conhecendo Murilo (Fagundes Emanuel), rapaz por quem vai se apaixonar perdidamente.
Deserto Verde
Deserto Verde é um documentário sobre o impacto ambiental provocado pela indústria papeleira, a partir das fábricas instaladas na Serra Catarinense, às margens do Rio Canoas. O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores de papel e celulose do mundo. Se, por um lado, a indústria gera emprego e renda, a fabricação de papel é uma atividade com grande risco de degradação do solo, do ar e dos rios.
In May and June 2010 thousands of people went to the streets of Florianopolis to protest the rise in transportation fees. Beyond scenes that were not shown on any TV channel, including flagrant violence during the acts, Impasse reveals what passengers, workers, specialists and businessmen think. It exposes the contradictions and differences in opinion between the local and statewide government, and the students. It discusses questions that intermingle and complete each other: why has the city become a symbol for the fight for public transportation? What did the police do in the UDESC act? Why is urban mobility one of the great themes of the 21st century? Is there, after all, a way out of this impasse?
In May and June 2010 thousands of people went to the streets of Florianopolis to protest the rise in transportation fees. Beyond scenes that were not shown on any TV channel, including flagrant violence during the acts, Impasse reveals what passengers, workers, specialists and businessmen think. It exposes the contradictions and differences in opinion between the local and statewide government, and the students. It discusses questions that intermingle and complete each other: why has the city become a symbol for the fight for public transportation? What did the police do in the UDESC act? Why is urban mobility one of the great themes of the 21st century? Is there, after all, a way out of this impasse?
In May and June 2010 thousands of people went to the streets of Florianopolis to protest the rise in transportation fees. Beyond scenes that were not shown on any TV channel, including flagrant violence during the acts, Impasse reveals what passengers, workers, specialists and businessmen think. It exposes the contradictions and differences in opinion between the local and statewide government, and the students. It discusses questions that intermingle and complete each other: why has the city become a symbol for the fight for public transportation? What did the police do in the UDESC act? Why is urban mobility one of the great themes of the 21st century? Is there, after all, a way out of this impasse?