Friederike Rhein


Emerald Green
Sarah Bloomberg
Mesmo após a confissão de amor do rapaz, Gwendolyn (Maria Ehrich) sente que Gideon (Jannis Niewöhner) a traiu ao, tecnicamente, apoiar o Conde St. Germain (Peter Simonischek). Em meio a tribulações, os viajantes do tempo embarcarão em diversos acontecimentos e aventuras, tanto no presente quanto no passado.
Sapphire Blue
Sarah Bloomberg
O círculo dos doze dispõe de sua última viajante no tempo, e esta é Gwendolyn Shepherd (Maria Ehrich). Gwen agora precisa lidar com contínuas viagens ao passado, seu relacionamento com o encantador Gideon (Jannis Niewöhner) e alguns mistérios envolvendo o círculo.
Ruby Red
Sarah Bloomberg
Gwendolyn Shepherd is a normal 16-year-old, but her family holds a secret: A time-travel gene is expressed in the clan inherited, but not every member of the family is blessed with. Everyone is certain that Gwen's cousin Charlotte has the gene. However, someday Gwendolyn suddenly finds herself in London at the end of the 19th century and realizes that it is her, who was born a time traveler. While she is not very enthusiastic about it, she will do everything possible to solve the ancient mysteries of the red ruby.