Glenn Williams


Falando Francamente
Sound mixer
Honest and straightforward small-town Shirlee Kenyon chucks her boyfriend and heads for Chicago. Accidentally having to host a radio problem phone-in show, it is clear she is a natural and is hired on the spot. But the station insists she call herself Doctor, and as her popularity grows a local reporter starts digging for the truth. Problem is, the more he is around her the more he fancies her.
Marcados Pelo Ódio
Sound Mixer
Uma explosiva aventura em chicago. Mafiosos querem usar a força contra os comerciantes da cidade, mas cometeram um grande erro, assassinaram o irmão mais novo de um policial - Truman Gates (Swayze), que se mudou da região selvagem dos Appalachia para as ruas selvagens de Chicago. Outro de seus irmãos, Briar (Liam Neeson), também vai à caça do assassino, mas ao seu jeito.
The Toughest Man in the World
Mr. T's first starring made-for-TV movie role has him playing a tough and scowling, but softhearted, nightclub bouncer who finds himself involved with a bunch of kids after being conned into taking over a youth center.
Charlie, O Trambiqueiro
A World War I deserter competes in the first long-distance motorcycle race.