Tom Ternest

Tom Ternest


Tom Ternest


22/3: Wij Waren Daar
On March 22nd 2016, the senior students of a secondary school in Belgium were meant to leave for Rome, but never made it there due to a terrorist attack. Although they all get out of there alive, they now have to process this trauma.
This No Land
Gas station clerk
An old cowboy mourns at a little girl’s grave. He returns to his pickup, to take a seat next to 8 year old Laura. He promises her to take her to Disneyland. It’s the beginning of a peculiar journey where they come across two couples in a gas station shop. But all is not what it seems …
Piet Symons
O drama segue dois irmãos que, apesar de não terem nada em comum, abrem um bar chamado "Belgica", que começa a ter bastante fama. Apesar do sucesso, a dupla terá de enfrentar diversos problemas inerentes à gestão de um negócio familiar, passando-se rapidamente da relação de irmandade à rivalidade