Viktor Eisenbach


Die Wirtin von Maria Wörth
Production Manager
Under the Bridges
Unit Production Manager
Two barge skippers fall in love with the same woman.
Her Majesty Love
Unit Manager
Fred von Wellingen is a wealthy industrialist, part of a large family-owned corporation. Fred has fallen for Lia, a comely bartender in the Berlin Cabaret. He proposes to her, much to the horror of his family, which considers Lia and her unsophisticated father far below their caste. The family convinces Fred to give up the girl in exchange for increased position and income in the company. But Fred's lapse is momentary, and he again pursues Lia. But she, by this time, has learned of his erstwhile agreement and has agreed to marry someone else.
O Anjo Azul
Unit Manager
Alunos de ensino médio trocando figurinhas durante a aula. É com este cenário que começa a lenta, porém crescente, degradação da vida do professor de artes e ciência, Immanuel Rath. Quando este descobre serem as figurinhas fotos de mulheres semi-nuas conseguidas na casa de espetáculos Anjo Azul, que seus alunos frequentam, Rath vai lá tirar satisfações com os garotos, e acaba conhecendo a cantora de cabaré Lola Lola.