Robert Balser


As Crônicas de Nárnia - O Leão, a Feiticeira e o Guarda-Roupa
Sequence Supervisor
Nárnia é um mundo paralelo onde existe uma disputa de poder, adormecida à espera de que uma profecia se cumpra. Os irmãos Pevense têm acesso a esse mundo através de um guarda-roupa e serão os responsáveis pelo desfecho na guerra entre as forças da terrível Feiticeira Branca e as forças do bem, comandadas pelo leão Aslam.
By Hoot or By Crook
While Hoot was chasing the notorious bank robber The Fox, his horse finds the Fox's costume, and for fun Hoot dressed up like the Fox. One of the delivery men, thinking Hoot was the Fox, gives him the strong box with the town's pay roll, so Hoot Kloot has to bring it back to the bank while dressed up like the Fox. The real Fox has another idea.
Big Beef at the O.K. Corral
Hoot Kloot is guarding the cattle from the notorious cattle rustler Billy the Kidder. Billy's strange goal? Steal the cows so he can set them free in the wild.
The Badge and the Beautiful
Hoot Kloot is set to arrest Calamity Jane for disturbing peace, but Hoot finds out it won't be easy when Jane falls in love with him and makes him marry her. Hoot tries to get away, with every attempt failing.
Little Boa Peep
Blue Racer sunks into depression when he realizes that he was a hideous snake, so he asks Dr. Owlsley-Hoot for suggestions. He tells Blue Racer that he is what he thinks he is, so Blue Racer decides to become a sheepdog. Unfortunatly, he doesn't know what sheep look like, so he mistakes an ant, an elephant, and a caterpillar for a sheep. He finally finds a sheep herd, and after stopping a wolf in a sheep's clothing, a real sheepdog helps him make his dream of being a sheepdog come true. Last "Blue Racer" cartoon.
Submarino Amarelo
Animation Director
John, Paul, George e Ringo enfrentam em seu Submarino Amarelo o exército de Blue Meanies que chegaram a Pepperland para acabar com toda a música, paz e amor que lá reinava.
The Hat
An amusing search for self-identity by the famed American-born animator of Yellow Submarine (1968), with witty nods to animation history and the design style of New York’s Hubley Studios.