The old and overcrowded penitentiaries are just a memory. Inmates now serve their sentence in a state of deep sleep that renders them harmless, and has drastically reduced recidivism. Until one day, a psychologist in charge of monitoring the mental state of inmates finds himself confronted with a prisoner over whom he's lost all control.
Cetto la Qualunque, having set aside all political ambition, is now nothing more than an entrepreneur. But the news of the worsening condition of his aunt leads him to return to Italy, where something from his past will be revealed and, “doubtlessly,” all of our lives will be forever changed.
No caminho para a escola, Samantha, de 13 anos, é sequestrada. 15 anos depois ela se encontra no hospital, em estado de choque, mas viva. O Dr. Green, assumi o trabalho em ajudá-la a se lembrar. E juntos eles enfrentam a memória do labirinto, uma prisão subterrânea na qual a ela foi submetida a jogos e enigmas para resolver, recompensando ou a punindo, mas sempre sem revelar as razões de toda essa situação perturbadora.
One livid dawn, a cold and damp wind blows as a man walks alone through the darkness. Deputy Police Superintendent Francesco Prencipe is on his way to meet his best friend, Judge Giovanni Mastropaolo whom he hasn't seen for almost two years. The men drive for two hours and exchange but a few words. Later that morning, the Judge is found dead, a single gunshot wound to his head. Francesco is the last person who saw him and his fingerprints are the only ones found in the house. But is he the murderer?
Pesquisador universitário, um químico é demitido para cortar gastos acadêmicos. Desempregado e sem ter como se sustentar, ele descobre sobre o valor das drogas e cria uma para comercializar. Ele decide reunir um grupo de ex-amigos acadêmicos e usar a habilidade de todos no negócio. As coisas ficam complicadas quando eles pssam a ser conhecidos e precisam lidar com um grande traficante.