Karl Farah

Karl Farah


Karl Farah


Noémie Says Yes
Phil / Client 6
After running away from a youth center, 15-year-old Noémie befriends a group of delinquents and falls in love with a pimp. After some convincing, she finds herself thrust into life as an escort.
When Maria thinks she's at the bottom of the barrel, she discovers that this barrel has a double bottom: no job, no money, no worthy accomplishment and now a dying mother begging her to do something with her life. before his death! She has no other choice but to get back in hand and find a career ... But what can she do with a 7-year-old BAC in communication and no work experience? Believe it or not, she can become a substitute in a high school! Thus, Maria, 30, as responsible and stable as a 14-year-old teenager, returns to high school in the role of the one to whom she threw pieces of erasers: the replacement. Too jaded teachers, rebellious teenagers, intimidated or not sufficiently denounced, she will be confronted with the reality of teachers and young people today and, who knows, may discover a vocation.
Abandoned by her mother in a group home of the DPJ, Émilie (13) tries to flee her new reality. Influenced by the people she meets on her getaway, her ray of hope lies in learning a musical instrument.
Minha Vida Além do Circo
Nascida em uma família de artistas de circo, Laura passou grande parte de sua juventude em turnê com seu pai Bill, um palhaço profissional, e seu assistente de palco, Mandeep. Secretamente, ela anseia por uma vida mais convencional. Graças à sua nova professora, Patricia, ela pode finalmente realizar seu sonho: ir para uma escola particular. Ao perceber o enorme potencial de sua nova aluna, Patricia ajuda Laura a passar nos exames de admissão. Este ato é uma forma de rebelião contra seu pai. O boêmio Bill, um autoproclamado inconformista, pode aceitar que a menina de seus olhos tenha caído tão longe da árvore paterna?
Máfia S.A
Caporal Pierre Marois
Em Montreal, na década de 1990, a família siciliana Paternò comanda o violento submundo do narcotráfico canadense com mão de ferro. O patriarca, Don Frank, busca consolidar sua riqueza investindo na construção de uma ponte na Itália, e convoca Vince Gamache, filho de seu antigo alfaiate Henri, para ajudar a extorquir os investidores. Subindo rapidamente na hierarquia da máfia, Vince logo vira inimigo do filho ciumento de Don Paternò, Giaco, resultando em uma guerra sangrenta entre as duas famílias.
A Jovem Juliette
Juliette está no segundo ano do ensino médio e sofre bullying de seus colegas de escola. Ela vive uma adolescência cheia de reviravoltas e aprende lições sobre o amor e amizade.
Super Monsieur
Super Monsieur
Montréal Dead End
Le joggeur
A fantasy anthology of 15 segments each dealing with a specific neighbourhood of Montreal and its signature idiosyncrasies. This terrifying tour-of-the-town captures neighbourhoods, buildings and iconic locations from North America's Amsterdam, shedding the straightforward storyline for a narrative melting-pot filled with demons, shadowy humanoids and disgusting otherworldly beings.
Client Rock
A high-class prostitute by choice, Nelly Arcan’s colorful life is recreated in a multi-layered and stylish mix of make-believe and memoir, revealing Nelly’s alter egos: the neurotic writer, the vulnerable lover, the call girl and the star. Nelly shocked the literary world with her elegant writing and the lurid details of sex work in her autobiographical first novel, Whore, which became a critically acclaimed bestseller. Despite unprecedented success, Nelly’s remarkable life ended in tragedy.
Stefie, an unremarkable teenage loner, is recruited by Martin, Jean-Sé and Lea to record their daily capers with his cellphone. The four pranksters decide to set up a stunt that go beyond anything they’ve done so far… But this time, who will be the victim? A funny and cruel coming-of-age story about love, friendship, peer pressure and loss of innocence.
Our Loved Ones
1978. In a small village in Bas-St-Laurent, Guy’s tragic death is a shock for the Leblanc family. For many years, the real cause of his death is kept hidden from some members of the family, including his son David. The latter in turn starts his own family with his wife Marie. He lovingly raises his children Laurence and Frédéric, but deep within him harbours a persistent melancholy.
Henri Henri
Jeune pompier
Henri was raised by religious in a convent and lived with them until the women, now elders, moved, leaving him alone. Henri fixes lamps. Since his young age, he's been replacing burned light bulbs and illuminates people's lives. After following signs, he finds himself working in a lamp company. Through his new work, he meets an old man trying to never forget his glory days and a blind woman, teller in an adult cinema, with whom he falls in love.
Vic+Flo Viram um Urso
Victoria Champagne (Pierrette Robitaille) é libertada da prisão. Instalada em uma cabana no meio da mata, ela deve informar suas atividades semanais ao agente da condicional (Marc-André Grondin). Florence Richemont (Valerie Donzelli), sua companheira de cela e de intimidade, é liberada mais tarde e se junta a Victoria na floresta. A partir disto, começa uma estranha dinâmica entre elas, que precisam se proteger dos fantasmas do passado.
Lorsque le coeur dérange
Bénédicte, a thirty-year-old woman with unstable mental health, sinks into a deep psychosis after getting killed in a holdup.
Skinny Love
None Provided.