Vince Grant

Vince Grant

Nascimento : 1961-05-01, Denver, Colorado, USA


Actor / Artist.


Vince Grant


Procura-se um Amigo para o Fim do Mundo
Man #1 / Chip
Dodge é abandonado pela esposa em meio ao pânico do iminente fim do mundo, devido à colisão entre um meteoro e a Terra. Disposto a viver alguns dias de amor antes do apocalipse, ele se junta à vizinha, e ambos partem em busca de seus antigos amores.
Fixing Pete
Ashley is a journalist and does makeovers for a TV show. Her editor offers her the job of being the editor of a new fashion supplement, provided she does a makeover on a sports writer, who is an uncouth, loudmouthed, sexist slob.
Set over a single day and night in a small, Manhattan hotel, this story leads us through the lives of its temporary inhabitants. As the paths of these strangers cross, they become connected.
Dreamgirls: Em Busca de um Sonho
American Bandstand Producer
Effie White, Deena Jones e Lorrell Robinson moram em Chicago e formam um grupo musical, as Dreamettes. As três começam a fazer sucesso graças ao manipulador empresário Curtis Taylor Jr., que consegue fazer com que elas acompanhem um cantor de "soul". Os conflitos começam quando Curtis sonha em transformar as Dreamettes em Dreams. Sua ideia é trocar Effie por Deena e fazer dela a vocalista principal do grupo, o que deixa evidente seu interesse romântico pela jovem.
Um Craque Animal 2
Roy Richardson
Na Escócia, cientista faz experiências com Kimble, cão que adora jogar futebol. Kimble foge é encontrado por menino americano chamado Zack, que foi para lá para conhecer o pai. Entre um jogo e outro, o cão ajuda o menino a procurá-lo.
Down and out in L.A.'s Valley, two longtime married, politically correct pornographers - played by Annette O'Toole and Lyn Vaus - are forced to confront the changes in their New Age values and marriage when they discover in their archives extremely salacious old footage of TV's currently #1 sitcom star.
Robert F. Kennedy
A story about a man who travels back in time to Fort Worth, Texas on Novemeber 22, 1963 and prevents the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
French Exit
Davis meets Zina in a car wreck. Their immediate attraction for one another is put into jeopardy when they learn each is competing for the same writing job.
A Friend to Die For
Angela Delvecchio, coming from a rather poor family, moves into the rich town Montevista. She admires Stacy, leader of the most prestigeous clique of her high school. Angela wants to be accepted and seeks Stacy's friendship. But when she defends outsider Monica against Stacy, she becomes Stacy's target herself. Mocked, she stabs Stacy with a kitchen's knife. The trial becomes a sensation.
Murder in High Places
Deputy Dent
A small Colorado mountain town elects as its mayor a writer whom some residents consider "eccentric" and others don't care for because he's a former hippie. Complications ensue when soon after the election, a dead body crashes through the skylight of a local building, and the body turns out to be the new mayor's ex-wife.
Out of the Darkness
Ed Zigo Jr.
A gripping thriller telling the true story of the hunt and capture of David Berkowitz, a.k.a. "Son of Sam" — the infamous serial killer who stalked New York in the 70s.
Juventude Perdida
Após a morte dos pais em um acidente de carro, uma bela adolescente e seu irmão são obrigados a viver na casa de parentes distantes no interior da Flórida. Sua chegada desperta o interesse do líder de uma gangue de jovens delinqüentes que, ao ser rejeitado, resolve transformar a vida do casal de irmãos em um verdadeiro inferno.