Mik Scriba

Nascimento : 1947-12-01, Illinois, USA

Morte : 2018-06-15


An Old Man's Gold
Eddie Seabrook
Dying of cancer, former thief Charlie Dawson decides to leave his gold to his namesake Charlene, the great grand daughter of his two former partners. Not wanting to steal from family, the two former partners decide to rob Charlie before he dies. They hire a poker playing buddy, the violent loan shark Eddie, to do the job. Eddie decides to kidnap Charlene to convince Charlie to give up the gold, but Charlene's friend Emma gets in the way and is murdered. With the clock ticking, Eddie goes after the gold but runs afoul of Charlene's protective mother. The soccer mom is forced into a violent showdown to save her daughter and get the treasure.
Sam Steele and the Junior Detective Agency
Deputy Fire Chief Daniel Carr
13-year-old Sam Steele Jr. forms his own private detective agency to emulate his father, Des Moines detective Sam Steele, and helps track down a jewel thief.
Punching the Clown
A satirical songwriter comes to Los Angeles and puts his life's work in jeopardy.
Voo Explosivo
Detective Allen
Especialista em resgatar reféns do FBI, o agente Jack Bender foi demitido por não saber trabalhar em equipe. Meses mais tarde, ele encontra-se como um refém a bordo de um avião que foi tomado por um grupo de terroristas bem armados que ameaçam detonar uma arma nuclear. Agora Bender terá que usar todas as suas habilidades para salvar o jato que se dirige a Los Angeles.
Yesterday Was a Lie
Trench Coat Man
Hoyle, a girl with a sharp mind and a weakness for bourbon, finds herself on the trail of a reclusive genius. Along the way, her reality becomes disconnected and surreal. Her loyal partner and an ethereal lounge singer help her along the way, but ultimately she must turn within and confront her own shadow.
Terminal de aeroporto
Transportation Liaison
Um visitante do Leste Europeu, Viktor Navorski, torna-se residente no terminal do aeroporto de Nova Iorque quando uma guerra civil faz o seu país desaparecer e o torna num apátrida, sem qualquer documento válido para a Imigração dos EUA.
As Loucas Aventuras de James West
Quando o presidente Ulysses S. Grant fica sabendo que o diabólico inventor Arliss Loveless planeja assassiná-lo e conquistar os Estados Unidos com suas máquinas modernas, ele encarrega James West, o herói da Guerra Civil americana, e o militar Artemus Gordon de capturá-lo. A personalidade dos dois nem sempre combina, mas a dupla consegue trabalhar junto. Com a ajuda de uma mulher misteriosa, West e Gordon chegam a Loveless.
A Negociação
Às vésperas de vender sua empresa milionária, Robert Miller, um magnata da bolsa de valores, envolve-se em um acidente automobilístico causando a morte de uma pessoa. Para preservar sua imagem, ele esconde sua responsabilidade no caso. Mas um investigador está disposto a descobrir o verdadeiro culpado, sabotando todos os planos de Robert.
Second Chance
Three scientists invent a youth serum, but they're forced to flee their lab as a group of mercenaries try to take it for the wealthy old man who hired them, capturing the head of the lab in the process.
O Poder da Sedução
Um escaldante thriller num filme noir sobre uma sensual jovem traficante de drogas que deixa seu marido para uma vida de crime, sexo e chantagem.
Invasão de Privacidade
Security Guard #1
Uma série de misteriosas mortes atinge um edifício de luxo em Manhattan enquanto uma nova moradora (Sharon Stone) se envolve com um dos vizinhos (William Baldwin), mas também é desejada por um outro (Tom Berenger) e gradativamente vai chegando a conclusão que um deles é o assassino.
In the Deep Woods
Mark Cannell
A friend of Joanna has been killed by a serial killers who leaves the bodies in the woods. A strange guy who says is a private detective: Joanna begins to fear he might be the killer.
Honor Thy Mother
Lieth Von Stein and his wife, Bonnie Von Stein are attacked while sleeping in their Smallwood home in North Carolina. Bonnie Von Stein survived. Lieth was not so lucky. Bonnie has trouble dealing with the fact that her own son, Christopher Pritchard, along with two friends consipired to have her and her husband killed. Neal Henderson and Christopher Pritchard plead guilty and testified at the trial of James Upchurch, who was convicted and sentenced to die. Several years later, however, his sentence was vacated and Upchurch is now serving a life sentence.
Ted & Venus
Prison Guard
Ted is a 1970s Venice Beach poet who spends his days drifting along the boardwalk, reciting his poetry to anyone who will listen. His life changes when a bikini-clad beauty named Linda strolls by him. Instantly, Ted believes he's found his "Venus" and becomes obsessed with Linda. He tries to woo her with poetry, obscene phone calls and romantic overtures, all to disastrous effect.
Prison Guard #1
Mitchell Osgood dreams of being a famous writer, but the book he has written constantly is rejected by the editors. When the psychopathic killer Albert Merrik is released from prison after 15 years, Osgood believes that writing down the history of his crimes could be his breakthrough. Although he refuses to talk to him at first, Osgood follows him around and offers him a job in his book shop. To get the right impressions for his book, he feels that he has to experience Merrik psychopathic again.
Entrega Mortal
Durante a Guerra Fria, um sargento escolta um prisioneiro político para os EUA, mas é atacado no aeroporto e o prisioneiro escapa. Quando fica sabendo que o prisioneiro faz parte de um complô envolvendo a cúpula da URSS, precisa encontrá-lo.