Makeup Artist
Angeliki comete suicídio enquanto a família comemora seu aniversário de 11 anos de idade. A família alega ter sido um acidente para escapar de agentes do serviço social que desconfiam de algo estranho no dia-a-dia da família.
Makeup Artist
George is released from prison after 14 years of incarceration for a murder he committed in his small Greek village. He spends his first night out in a cheap downtown hotel in Athens. There he meets Strella, a young transgender prostitute. They spend the night together and soon they fall in love. But the past is catching up with George. With Strella on his side he will have to find a new way out.
Makeup Artist
A successful model abandons the world of fashion to marry her beloved. A little before the wedding, their relationship goes through a serious crisis, when they meet a wealthy and enigmatic man.