The gripping story of legendary American actor John Travolta: his rise to stardom in the 1970s; his agonizing fall in disgrace in the 1980s; and his stunning artistic rebirth in the 1990s.
Pianist Richard Glazier offers a unique view of Broadway and Hollywood music using fascinating interviews, piano performances and commentary in this broadcast special.
This film discusses the effect on how major American films in Hollywood were influenced by the Eastern European Jewish culture that most of the major movie moguls who controlled the studios shared. Through clips of various films, the filmmakers illustrate the dominant themes like that of the outsider, the outspoken American patriotism, and rooting for the underdog in society.
This is the story of the feud between FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and the Kennedys. It shows how much Hoover hated them and how they tried to stand up to him from the day John Kennedy was elected President until Bobby was assassinated.
Byron Orlock, veterano ator de filmes de terror, decide se aposentar, pois acredita que seus filmes não assustam mais como outrora. Sua derradeira aparição pública será na estreia de seu último filme, num drive-in. Lá ele encontrará Bobby Thompson, um jovem aparentemente comum que após matar a mãe e a esposa saiu pelas ruas atirando ao acaso.