Sean lives a harsh but successful life as a criminal in Los Angeles's rough suburbs. He has, in spite of a chaotic and violent childhood, created some order in his life. As long as order is maintained, he - along with his partner in crime Peter - can ensure that his criminal life does not fall apart. But like in any Greek tragedy, things are doomed to go wrong when he one day falls in love with the waitress Lilly. Sean thinks he can bring order to her life too, but the all-consuming heroin addiction can not be tamed so easily.
A writer from New York moves to Los Angeles with his fiancé to adapt a children’s book for a Hollywood producer. A series of meetings begin between the author of the book, the director, and other actors, each having their own take on the direction of the script. The writer and his financier are constantly fighting as the work becomes more and more tiring and gruesome. Fearing medication has made him mediocre, the writer is faced with a choice between having a happy life and being a successful writer in Hollywood.
Stay-home mom Annie is reluctant to return to work, until she finds Amber, the perfect nanny for her 3-year-old daughter Jenny. But as Annie's young daughter grows closer and closer to Amber, Annie begins to feel like she's being pushed out of her own life. When Jenny suddenly vanishes one day,Annie's search for her missing daughter leads her to the terrifying truth about the dark past of the woman she trusted with her child.
Após decifrar códigos de acesso a um programa secreto da Agência Nacional de Segurança, um garoto autista tem seus pais assassinados e é perseguido por oficiais inescrupulosos do governo. O agente Arthur Jeffries investiga a morte dos pais e decide protegê-lo, pois sabe que algo mais está em jogo.
História da vida de Jimmy Hoffa (Jack Nicholson), um poderoso líder sindical, que desapareceu misteriosamente, sem nunca ter sido encontrado. Mostra sua luta para construir um sindicato trabalhista, seu envolvimento com a máfia e o tempo que passou na prisão. Personagens reais se misturam com fictícios.