Utility Sound
Um estrategista político democrata (Steve Carell) tenta ajudar um veterano de guerra a vencer a eleição municipal em uma cidade predominantemente de direita, no estado de Wisconsin.
Location Sound Mixer
Henry vive um drama comum da classe média americana: ele enfrenta problemas financeiros e teme a influência que isso pode causar no estilo de vida de sua família, sustentado por ele. O homem de meia idade precisa encontrar uma solução para conciliar sua falta de dinheiro com as demandas de sua esposa, de sua filha adolescente e dos caçulas. Quando ele trava uma amizade com um jovem rapaz, o destino de todos parece estar atrelado.
Utility Sound
O jovem Jared, de apenas 19 anos, mora em uma pequena cidade conservadora do Arkansas. Ele é gay e filho de um pastor da Igreja Batista. Em um certo momento de sua vida, Jared é confrontado pela família e precisa escolher entre arriscar perdê-la ou entrar em um programa de terapia que busca tentar "curar" sua homossexualidade.
Sound Mixer
Desde a primeira série na escola um grupo de cinco amigos têm um hábito curioso, que realizam pelo menos uma vez ao ano: brincar enlouquecidamente de pega-pega, correndo em uma partida alucinante para ser o último homem de pé ao final da brincadeira, arriscando seus empregos e relacionamentos. Neste ano, que coincide com o casamento do jogador invicto da trupe, eles farão de tudo para derrubá-lo no momento de vulnerabilidade.
Supervising Sound Editor
Detective Ben Walls finds himself in a modern day Dante world, passing back and forth between the present and the future. Surrounded by the residents seeking redemption, Ben is left with the task to find a way out.
Detective Ben Walls finds himself in a modern day Dante world, passing back and forth between the present and the future. Surrounded by the residents seeking redemption, Ben is left with the task to find a way out.
Supervising Sound Editor
A special operations unit races to find and prevent the construction of a devastating micro nuclear device created by a group of radical mercenaries whose political beliefs blur the line between terrorist and revolutionary.
A special operations unit races to find and prevent the construction of a devastating micro nuclear device created by a group of radical mercenaries whose political beliefs blur the line between terrorist and revolutionary.
Sound Editor
Worlds collide when a team of brilliant scientists are recruited to work with a secretive government run project called the Phoenix Program to develop counter measures for climate based weaponry. Special Agents Bob Smith and Tom Jones hand picked the team after observing their success with building the worlds first space elevator for the Bonner Prize a secret recruitment project purposed to find the worlds best and brightest. A newly formed terrorist group is using climate based weapons to hold the US and its allies hostage. Using extremely low frequency delivery methods the terrorists can cause earthquakes, alter rain patterns, cause droughts, and create deadly storms seeming out of thin air; but the terrorist threat is not the only challenge for the team. A deadly, vindictive mercenary from their past, Jamal Duegro, has launched a revenge operation to reacquire technologies his clients want returned to them and will stop at nothing in order to protect his interests.
Music Editor
Worlds collide when a team of brilliant scientists are recruited to work with a secretive government run project called the Phoenix Program to develop counter measures for climate based weaponry. Special Agents Bob Smith and Tom Jones hand picked the team after observing their success with building the worlds first space elevator for the Bonner Prize a secret recruitment project purposed to find the worlds best and brightest. A newly formed terrorist group is using climate based weapons to hold the US and its allies hostage. Using extremely low frequency delivery methods the terrorists can cause earthquakes, alter rain patterns, cause droughts, and create deadly storms seeming out of thin air; but the terrorist threat is not the only challenge for the team. A deadly, vindictive mercenary from their past, Jamal Duegro, has launched a revenge operation to reacquire technologies his clients want returned to them and will stop at nothing in order to protect his interests.
Music Editor
A material science expert is blackmailed to steal designs from a brilliant team of scientists who are building the world's first space elevator.
Sound Mixer
A material science expert is blackmailed to steal designs from a brilliant team of scientists who are building the world's first space elevator.