Ermela Teli


Baseado numa história real, fala sobre o jovem Eduart, um rapaz que cresceu no centro de uma família opressiva e cruel, que decide fugir da Albânia com o sonho de se tornar uma estrela do rock e conquistar uma vida melhor. Sua personalidade impulsiva, no entanto, o leva a cometer um assassinato em Atenas, Grécia. Perseguido por todos, o rapaz é feito prisioneiro. Na cadeia, Eduart recebe a ajuda de um médico alemão que o fará ver a vida de outra forma. O rapaz aprende a ter simpatia pelos outros e admite sua culpa. Por meio de seu remorso, encontra forças para se reerguer.
Kosovo: Desperate Search
The film "Kosova: Desperate Search" recounts the repercussions and effects of the Kosovar war on the Albanian population. Ethnic cleansings and other atrocities mentally and physically destroyed the people. The entwined destinies of individual persons and families from various geographic regions and social classes are the basis of a closely interconnected storyline. Families are not only looking for their missing children, but also for new hope and perspectives.
Tirana Year Zero
Tirana Year Zero (Tirana, année zéro), is a 2002 Albanian film that tells the story of a young couple in post-communist Albania, at a time when many Albanians left the country in search for a better life abroad. The protagonist of the movie is Nik, who lives in the capital of Albania, Tirana, along with his mother and father. He is in love with a beautiful girl named Klara, who wants to move to Paris to be a model. Nik makes his living with an old truck that belonged to his father, who is now sick, and seemingly dying. Amidst the criticisms of his mother, the confusion and desperation covering the country, and the desire of his girlfriend to leave, Nik is still unsure whether he wants to leave. The film explores the way Nik handles the events of his life.