Dialogue Editor
Uma equipe de combatentes da resistência belga sequestra um submarino alemão durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial para trazer urânio, do então Congo Belga até Nova York, necessário para o Projeto Manhattan.
Dialogue Editor
Redbad, filho do rei Aldigsl, está duvidando dos rituais ultrapassados de seu povo, os frísios. Ele entra em conflito com o pai quando sua namorada, Fenne, é indicada para ser sacrificada aos deuses. Durante o ritual de sacrifício, os francos entram na cidade. Na batalha, a cidade de Dorestad é capturada e o ambicioso Eibert, tio de Redbad, toma o poder e culpa o sobrinho pela derrota. Amarrado a uma jangada, Redbad é lançado ao mar, mas sobrevive e chega à costa, sendo resgatado pelos vikings. Para libertar seu povo, Redbad conta com a ajuda dos vikings. Mas seriam eles fortes o bastante?
Sound Designer
A top executive who can't bear to regard himself as a loser, even after nearly dying in the New York marathon; a woman unable to cope with the loss of her wealthy status after her divorce; and an ambitious financial couple confronted with their unresolved family matters. Every Sunday, in their upper class Bloemendaal church, the cutting sermons of reverend Ad van Nieuwpoort shake their faith and existence to the core. What drives people to be crushed by the weight of their ambitions?
Dialogue Editor
Ushi Hirosaki has to marry according to Japanese tradition before her 30th birthday. Because time is running out, her family decides she has to marry a huge sumo wrestler. A rather unfortunate combination, so Ushi wants to look for a nicer candidate herself. She travels halfway around the world to find her dream husband. Along the way she does valiant efforts, for example to learn table manners and to lose her Japanese accent.
Sound Designer
Four old college friends in their forties come together in a time of trouble and despair. Old joy relives, but the harsh reality of their problems can't satisfy them and eventually endangers their friendships.
After losing sight of each other for 25 years, the paths of three childhood friends cross paths. It concerns successful conductor Victor Slingeland, successful writer Sander Vastenhout and general practitioner Bert Duprez. Slingeland enjoys a reputation as a womanizer. This intrigues Vastenhout who, as is often the case with authors, is without inspiration. Vastenhout sees the unraveling of Slingeland's complex personality as possible new material for a novel. With the help of Dr. Duprez, Vastenhout tries to find out about Slingeland's secret by imitating his behavior and thus challenging him.