Guy Vaillancourt

Guy Vaillancourt

Nascimento : 1955-05-01,


Guy Vaillancourt


Maria Chapdelaine
Villageois Conrad
Maria Chapdelaine tells the story of a young woman having to choose between three suitors promising each a different life. Faced with events that jostle her, Maria must then take his destiny into her own hands and decide what her future will be.
Paul à Québec
Paul à Québec is quite simply about life, at its happiest and at its most challenging. Paul and his in-laws offer us a window onto the everyday life of the Beaulieu family, but we also witness the decline of his father-in-law, Roland. Paul à Québec is a hymn to life that reminds us, among other things, of the beauty of those small moments when, in spite of the farewells, life shows us how important it is to savour every instant.
Le Militaire
Un bénévole
A former French soldier who fought in Afghanistan, lives in solitude in Montreal. The trauma caused by his memories of the conflict leads him towards an unhealthy relationship with women.
O Vendedor
Jocelyn - vendeur
Aos 67 anos, Marcel Léves contabiliza décadas de experiência como vendedor de carros na pequena cidade de Lac Saint-Jean, em Quebéc. Ele é um homem que se define pelo seu trabalho e se orgulha de ter se mantido no posto de vendedor do mês por dezesseis anos consecutivos. Suas únicas outras paixões são sua filha Maryse e seu neto Antoine, um jovem jogador de hóquei. No entanto, quando a fábrica de papéis local entra em processo de falência, a economia da cidade é abalada e a venda de carros cai vertiginosamente. Diante da crise, Marcel é forçado a rever seus planos de vida.
Saint Martyrs of the Damned
Monsieur Desmarais
A reporter goes to a mysterious village to investigate mysterious disappearances until one night, his friend gets abducted and every citizen wants him dead.
Elvis Gratton 3: Le retour d'Elvis Wong
Technicien télé-Égoût
Seducing Doctor Lewis
Claude Larivée
A much-needed boost, in the form of a new factory, is promised to the residents of the tiny fishing village St. Marie-La-Mauderne, provided they can lure a doctor to take up full-time residency on the island. Inspired, the villagers devise a scheme to make Dr. Christopher Lewis a local.