Diogo Hausen

Diogo Hausen


Diogo Hausen


Three gay men each find themselves in modern relationship issues through three separate coincidences. Wyatt learns that his best friend Logan is unknowingly falling in love with his ex, while Jason is shocked to learn the owner of the pool he's cleaning is the man he fell in love with over a one-night stand eight years earlier. Finally, therapist Peter Lesh has become dangerously obsessed with his client Lex who tells him he's just met the man of his dreams.
Ice Cream (What is it? Is it Love)
Created for the TikTok Short Film Competition at Cannes. It's a typical love story. It's about ice cream. Boy meets girl and they turn into a standard-issue ice cream crab monster.
Ice Cream (What is it? Is it Love)
Created for the TikTok Short Film Competition at Cannes. It's a typical love story. It's about ice cream. Boy meets girl and they turn into a standard-issue ice cream crab monster.
Ice Cream (What is it? Is it Love)
Created for the TikTok Short Film Competition at Cannes. It's a typical love story. It's about ice cream. Boy meets girl and they turn into a standard-issue ice cream crab monster.
Ice Cream (What is it? Is it Love)
Created for the TikTok Short Film Competition at Cannes. It's a typical love story. It's about ice cream. Boy meets girl and they turn into a standard-issue ice cream crab monster.
Ice Cream (What is it? Is it Love)
Created for the TikTok Short Film Competition at Cannes. It's a typical love story. It's about ice cream. Boy meets girl and they turn into a standard-issue ice cream crab monster.
The Pining
Quando membros do seu grupo de terapia começam a morrer sob circunstâncias misteriosas, o detetive Harris é obrigado a reabrir um caso antigo. A sua única pista: o padre William, o líder do grupo de terapia que parece saber mais do que tinha declarado à polícia.
Puro Êxtase
Rocker (uncredited)
When an Asian American girl from the wrong side of the tracks is accepted by a prestigious university, she finds that her academic prowess can be put to lucrative use.
Steve Jobs
Stage Hand (uncredited)
Três momentos importantes da vida do inventor, empresário e magnata Steve Jobs: os bastidores do lançamento do computador Macintosh, em 1984; da empresa NeXT, doze anos depois e do iPod, no ano de 2001.
O Cavaleiro das Trevas Renasce
Thug (uncredited)
Passaram-se oito anos desde que Batman desapareceu na noite tornando-se, nesse momento, de herói a fugitivo. Assumindo a culpa pela morte de Harvey Dent, o Cavaleiro das Trevas sacrificou tudo o que para ele e para o Comissário Gordon era um bem maior. Por um momento a mentira funcionou, pois a atividade criminosa em Gotham City foi destruída graças à Lei anticrime de Dent. Mas tudo muda com a chegada de uma gata silenciosa e astuta, com propósitos misteriosos. Muito mais perigoso, no entanto, é o aparecimento de Bane, um terrorista mascarado cujos planos implacáveis para Gotham City vão fazer Bruce sair do seu autoimposto exílio. Mas mesmo a usar a sua máscara e capa novamente, Batman pode não estar à altura de Bane.
Wasp-Men From Mars
In 1959, a stargazing trip turns into an night of heartbreak, jealousy, and sexual confusion - and then giant wasps from Mars invade Earth and make things even worse. Three teenagers must put their feelings aside to survive the night.