Sébastien Savine


Sound Editor
Itto, a young woman from a modest rural background, is slowly adapting to the Moroccan privileged codes of her husband’s family. But when supernatural events put the country in a state of emergency, Itto finds herself separated from her husband and new family. Alone, pregnant and looking for her way back, she finds emancipation.
Supervising Sound Editor
Itto, a young woman from a modest rural background, is slowly adapting to the Moroccan privileged codes of her husband’s family. But when supernatural events put the country in a state of emergency, Itto finds herself separated from her husband and new family. Alone, pregnant and looking for her way back, she finds emancipation.
Arrival of the Sun in Your Sign
Sound Editor
On the ferry taking her to Corsica, Karine meets Sylvain. She has work to do; he would like to get to know her.
Arrival of the Sun in Your Sign
Sound Engineer
On the ferry taking her to Corsica, Karine meets Sylvain. She has work to do; he would like to get to know her.
Island and Mainland
Louise is a mermaid. One day, a young man discovers her secret.
First Goodbyes
Sound Mixer
A car drives along the French coasts. Inside, a father takes his daughter to Paris to begin her student life, a new life in an unknown city, far from her childhood and far from him. This one to one journey is their first, maybe their last. Nothing seems exceptional but both of them know they'll have to say goodbye.
Sound Editor
A documentary on Yves Saint-Laurent and the legendary fashion designer's final show.
Sound Editor
Laura, uma pré-adolescente, está infeliz com a mudança que é obrigada a fazer por causa do trabalho novo de seu pai. Ao procurar fazer novos amigos Laura irá se apresentar como Michael, e tentará carregar essa mentira para que todos a aceitem como um menino.
An Hour with Alice
Alice and Paul both study at the Sorbonne University in the Latin Quarter. After a course, Paul, who is attracted to Alice, starts talking with her. They share the same ideas about philosophy and today's philosophers but while they go on with their conversation they realize that as far as cinema is concerned they are not at all on the same wavelength
The Queen of Hearts
Sound Editor
In this musical take on everyday life, Adele is devastated after a painful breakup. Her distant cousin, Rachel, finds her a job and suggests that Adele sleep with other men to get over her heartbreak. The search begins, but Adele can’t escape the visage of her former lover….
Il fait beau dans la plus belle ville du monde
Sound Editor
Adèle, a thirty years old woman decides to contact Vidal, a musician she admires. He answers and she’s surprised. Messages are exchanged, a date is arranged. Adèle goes to the met, radiant with joy, but also worried : there’s a detail she forgot to mention, she’s pregnant.
A Invasora
Sound Editor
Sarah, uma jovem fotógrafa, está sozinha na noite de Natal. Ela está assim desde que seu marido morreu num acidente de carro. Só e grávida, recebe apenas as visitas de sua mãe dominadora e de seu chefe egocêntrico. A noite de Natal é o último dia antes de ir para o hospital ter seu bebê. Mas o silêncio de sua casa é quebrado quando uma misteriosa mulher bate à sua porta. Sarah desconfia e não atende. Todavia, a mulher se recusa a ir embora. Quando as coisas começam a se complicar, Sarah fica temerosa e chama a polícia, enquanto a mulher a observa pela janela.
Tristesse beau visage
Where we learn how Orpheus seduced Eurydice.
Comuna de Paris, 1871
Nesse drama de guerra que é uma mistura entre documentário e ficção, a classe trabalhadora e a burguesia da Paris do século XIX são entrevistadas e cobertas pela televisão, antes e durante uma trágica revolta de classe operária.
Alta Tensão
Assistant Sound Editor
Marie e Alexia são amigas e companheiras na universidade. Num final de semana, Alexia leva Marie para a fazenda de seus pais, mas elas não imaginam que um inferno baterá a sua porta, e que a ida até a fazenda trará conseqüências drásticas e sombrias.
The seducer
At the start of the new millennium, mysterious things are going on in Paris. People are disappearing, just like that, without explanation. They vanish into thin air and are never seen again.