Karni Postel


Cinema Sabaya
Original Music Composer
Eight women, Arab and Jewish, take part in a video workshop hosted by Rona, young filmmaker. With each camera take, the group dynamic forces the women to challenge their beliefs as they get to know one other.
The House on Fin Street
Original Music Composer
The film follows Dina, a young Russian girl from south Israel, who cleans toilets in her town's central bus station. She falls in love with Yehuda, a Tel Avivian charmer, and moves with him to the big city. Little does she know that he is nothing but a pimp who recruits young girls for the sex industry.
Mãe e Filha
Original Music Composer
Asia tornou-se mãe muito cedo, o que moldou o relacionamento complicado que tem com sua filha adolescente Vika. Apesar de viverem juntas, elas mal interagem uma com a outra. Asia se concentra em seu trabalho como enfermeira, enquanto Vika passa o tempo andando de skate com as amigas. Mas a rotina da mãe é abalada quando a saúde da filha se deteriora rapidamente. Agora, Asia precisa tomar coragem e se tornar a mãe de que Vika tanto precisa.
The Raven – Ze'ev Jabotinsky
Ze’ev Vladimir Jabotinsky? Most people don’t know much about him. Most people know he was the father of Herut movement, a revisionist. And who really knows what revisionism really means. A few people know that he translated Allan Poe’s Annabel Lee; even fewer read his historical novel, Samson. The Raven tries to fathom Jabotinsky’s deceptive character. The film follows his conflicted, controversial character, the meaningful choices, desires and abilities that eventually led him to end his life prematurely but left a huge mark on Zionism and Israel. - See more at: http://nfct.org.il/en/movies/the-raven-zeev-jabotinsky/#sthash.WoPKutbi.dpuf
Google Baby
Original Music Composer
A journey across three continents telling the story of the up and coming baby production industry in the age of globalization.
Wedding Night
A journey into the wedding night, where an ultra-Orthodox Jewish couple gets to know each other for the first time.