Denise Camargo

Denise Camargo


Denise Camargo


The Gold Mine
Production Design
In her fifties, Betina finds love online and leaves her monotonous life to meet her virtual fiancé on the other side of the country.
Personal Effects
Production Design
At 18, fresh from high school, Marina, Ignacio, Adam and Mimi, school mates bonded by fate, shared a dream about adult life, a dream of fame, success, perfect skin and that one endless, true love that, surely, was waiting just around the corner for each one of them. But 30's arrived, and none of the sweet promises of youth was fulfilled. Alone, failed and frustrated, all four are forced to stop and look around to try to understand where it all went wrong, and find an emergency fix for their lives, before it's too late, and happiness escapes through their fingers forever. Secondary Effects is the bitter coming of age comedy that follows their steps in the search for lost dreams, lost hair and good sex, at least, if true love turns out to be a mirage.
Set Decoration
A journey that takes one man into the bowels of black magic in Mexico City
Chamas da Vingança
Set Dresser
Uma grande onda de sequestros e criminalidade varre a Cidade do México, fazendo com que muitos de seus cidadãos mais ricos contratem guarda-costas para seus filhos. John Creasy é um ex-agente da CIA. Sem emprego e bebendo mais do que deveria, ele aceita a proposta de ser guarda-costas da pequena Pita, uma garota de 9 anos que é filha de um industrial. O sequestro de Pita faz com que ele, mesmo ferido, parta para resgatá-la a qualquer custo.