Makeup & Hair
A high school senior from South Carolina gets her first glimpse of the wider world, picturesque cities, and woods of the Eastern seaboard on a class trip to Washington, D.C.
Costume Designer
A gorgeous and frequently emotional rumination on the “big things” in life, James Gallagher’s new short film, Love, poses questions on what we love, why we love it, and what happens when the desire to win becomes detrimental to our experience of ourselves and other people. While that description seems preachy, the film is not didactic—on the contrary, its plot is extremely loose and impressionistic, requiring the viewer some effort to construct its fast-moving snippets into a coherent narrative.
Makeup & Hair
OIOION and SHEYMN, a pair of divine beings whose thwarted passion tears a wound from which civilization is generated, producing the Four Alimonies of the intelligible universe and the task of collective emancipation.
Makeup Artist
Zach é um estudante muito esperto e desde pequeno conviveu bastante com seu melhor amigo e vizinho Josh. Eles têm muita coisa em comum, inclusive a atração pela colega de sala de aula Allison. Um dia, em um parque com outros amigos, uma combinação de hormônios adolescentes, drogas e uma espada samurai, termina em consequências sangrentas.
Makeup Artist
O capitão William Stanaforth (Mark Strong) recebe a difícil tarefa de ser o primeiro astronauta em Marte. Ele é encarregado de viajar sozinho a bordo de uma espaçonave, durante 270 dias, enfrentando a solidão e a saudade da família. Um dia, um problema técnico compromete a missão e William é convidado a retornar para a Terra imediatamente. Contrariando as ordens de seus superiores, ele decide continuar.
Makeup Effects
Makeup Artist
Identity and performance, resistance and submission, and monotony and quiet rage crash into one another in this clear-eyed vision of a lesbian working as a professional dominatrix with a police officer as a regular client.
Identity and performance, resistance and submission, and monotony and quiet rage crash into one another in this clear-eyed vision of a lesbian working as a professional dominatrix with a police officer as a regular client.