Iris Müther


Hormônios à Flor da Pele
Makeup Artist
Enquanto tentam sobreviver ao ensino médio, Charly e Paula vivem os hormônios à flor da pele e o medo de perder a amizade se revelarem o que sentem um pelo outro.
Makeup Artist
Um trapaceiro de uma cidade pequena e seu irmão manipulativo se associam à máfia local, e esse ato trará consequências comicamente brutais.
Sörensen's Fear
Makeup Artist
Detective Chief Inspector Sörensen is anxious. More precisely, he suffers from a chronic anxiety disorder that makes life difficult for him. That is why he is moving from Hamburg to the Frisian village of Katenbüll, where he hopes for a more peaceful working life. But that is not how the cookie crumbles. The place is grey and bleak, it rains continuously, and the locals are not very enthusiastic in welcoming him. He also finds his new colleagues, Jenni Holstenbeck and Malte Schuster, somewhat suspect. And then things go from bad to worse. Mayor Hinrichs is found dead in his stables. Sörensen quickly realises that there is a lot of bad blood hidden behind the small town's tranquil facade and some well-founded reasons for anxiety...
300 Worte Deutsch
Makeup & Hair
Culture-Clash-Comedy about Turkish brides importet into Germany.