Geoffrey Daniels


Touch the Sun: Princess Kate
Executive Producer
Kate McLelland's life is a normal one of a girl her age in the eastern suburbs, until her discovery that she is adopted. This is the story of her search for her natural mother and the resulting relationship.
Touch the Sun: Peter & Pompey
Associate Producer
The fate of a young Australian boy is somehow linked with that of a young Roman boy who had traveled to Australia by ship during the time of the Roman Emperor, Nero.
The Boy in the Bush
Production Executive
In the 1880s, Jack Grant, a young Englishman, has been sent by his parents to make a new life in the pioneering colony of Western Australia.
Somente Deus Por Testemunha
Sound Recordist
Conta a história do navio RMS Titanic, o maior, mais veloz, mais luxuoso e mais seguro transatlântico do mundo, que teria como percurso sair de Southampton, na Inglaterra, e ir para Nova York, nos Estados Unidos. Mas após quatro noites navegando pelo oceano, o navio cruza tragicamente com um gigantesco iceberg, vitimando 1.500 passageiros, sendo que pouco mais de 700 sobreviveram.